Friday, 13 February 2009

Oh Sweet Kick-a-Licks, I Have Not Forgotton...

All this talk of Denim Dreams, Hello Kitty Make-Up and Mesh dresses, has almost made me forget about my everlasting love of kicks. I cannot actually remember the last time I dedicated an entire post to trainers. And I doubt very much that new readers who pass through this blog has noticed my aficionado for them. In all honesty, my obsession has calmed down just a tad bit (I have not bought a pair for a month) but that is not to say I haven't been admiring virtual trainer candy (porn anyone) online. There is really not much point of me writing about the latest released trainers as there are tonnes of blogs solely dedicated to that subject, however I will proceed to tell you about a special few that I am lusting and salivating on my keyboard over.

First up are the Air Jordan 1 Retro High in Black/Infrared!! I spotted these back in December, I think on some website and fell in love immediately! Red is a big N.O but INFRAred is a YES YES YES. These just got released this month so hopefully I WILL FIND THEM AND PURCHASE! long as they come in any size smaller than a UK 7 as I know these are men's shoes. One can try and hope and pray or if all fails, one can dream....

"Blue Sapphire". Another pair of Jordan Retro 1s, one is patent, the other nylon. I am a whore for patent trainers! and am willing to spend bucks on a pair of patent kicks because it is a rare sight (I got my last patent dunks for £100, £75 with my mates lovely discount! Thanks!) The patents are released in March 09 and the nylons should be out now. I have yet to own any nylon material trainers, but I suppose they are a necessity due to the English weather. An umbrella for my feet...

Photos from here and here.

HOT DIGGITY DAM!!! Come to mama! Words cannot describe how much I need these feet-umbrellas in my know to shield my feet from rain and stuff...they are made of nylon...but I have to wait until Spring/Summer. I'll keep you guys updated fo' sure:

I "dig"these Nike Air Diggs: Corny...yes!Teal? Hot Coral Pink? Gum sole??! Com'on! These are killing me, along with the fact that women used to actually play Volleyball in them back in '91. Can you imagine scuffing these babies? Hell, I wouldn't even go there:

Photo from here

And Finally, the ultimate hubba-hubba's. The Nike x Liberty Blazers. For those who don't know (shame on you!), this is the 2nd time this collaboration has come around. Last May they created the Liberty Hi Dunks in a cherry red floral print and also a purple floral print, both of which sported the oh-so-lovely gum sole. The hype and popularity from that shoe made them come together once again, but this time on the chunkier-shaped Nike Blazer. For those who are not overly keen on the Nike Blazer, the Liberty prints are also featured on another Dunk Hi. This time mishing-mashing various clashing floral prints to create one bold and look-at-me shoe. I think this collab is one of best out there at the moment, especially as it allows for non-trainer girls to think twice before saying NO. It is typical of a "Oo-la-la-I'm-a-chick-and-I-wear-floral-print-trainers" type shoe but, this time, it doesn't matter, because they are too HOT. So much so, that even VOGUE featured them. Oh, and they are released tomorrow, on 14th Feb (Valentines Day? floral? TYPICAL. But, Floral+Trainers=My perfect Valentines present!) My eyes are definitely on the Blazers, can you not just imagine skipping along in these? Either way, I need me a pair of Liberty x Nike's, be it in a Dunk or Blazer (!!):

Just before I go I must show you this horrendous Nike x M.O.B collab:

Photo from here

Thank Goodness these are JUST SAMPLES! Phew, I almost lost faith in both Nike and M.O.B. I seriously could not believe my eyes when I saw these, and to think that they could have had the chance to become limited editions. It is commonly known that avid sneaker collectors are willing to queue day and night for any type of limited editions to be released (just as fashionista's queue for the latest high street x designer collab), and I could only imagine the people queuing for these...Chavs anyone? Chav's staple item of clothing is anything which features the famous checkered Burburry print. Do not ask me how they managed to make Burberry so tacky. These would have been a must-have in their wardrobe, but luckily they were scraped for the heavenly patent black, hints of gold and white tweed number, which channels Chanel over Burberry (you will never be able to find these now, not even on Ebay....good luck):

Photo from here

P.S Is it Fate or Coincedence that these will all be released (bar a few) when I will be New York?!

Edit: Kay From Purple Lipstick just informed of the fake M.O.B. x Nike samples! PHEW! Someone just put the M.O.B. tag on it...shame on you!


Martha said...

I love the Nike x Liberty kicks
i WANT them

Demi said...

I rather love the floral ones, but could not pull them off, so I think i'll leave them to you honey!!

:) xx

Rebecca said...

i raelly like the last pair, my friend just got some of these, hers are pink and electric blue, xx

Noshabelle said...

I L O V E the blue ones! x


Charmaine said...

for real when i see these kicks.. i just want to be like.. "BAAAALLLLLINNNN".. hahaha i dont' know why. thats the first thing that pops into my head.

rissapeace, said...

Yes, mama $1 doorknockers downtown LA softens my budget hustle!!!!

Anonymous said...

so fun - so tecktonik!

Fly GurL Lai said...

i'm thinkin about gettin those nike air diggs for the summer...or maybe spring....
they are hot !

She's Dressing Up said...

The first pair are so goooood.

yiqin; said...

I have been looking for nice sneakers but they are all not my size :(

La Couturier said...

i usually don't like sneakers, but for some reason, i have a weakness for nike dunks. =]

La C.

kandace said...

I'm not one for kicks but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the floral Nike's. They would be so lovely for spring. O and as for your affection for kicks. I knew from the second I saw ur blog that you liked them, you rock them like no one else. Neway I'll be daydreaming about those florals, great find!

Kay said...

just to clear it up, MOB posted on their blog that they did not come up with those shoes, someone jus put "mob" on there but yea lol

those liberty sneaks are hoot. what size are u in womens? i`m sellin some shoess

Anonymous said...

ahh i need a new pair of nikes, lets try and find me a pair when you come!

The Boyfriend List. said...

i totally put your link on my page, you should put mine on yours too :)

p.s how was new york? i used to live there. crazy!

Yvonne said...

i like the orange floral nikes! altho i kinda wish the big nike symbol wasn't there.

rachy said...

oh rach y put the pic of the chanel dunks!! it kills me so much everytime i see them, to know i could have had them!!! love the blue patent jordans. i need them in my life!

Nike Air Force 1 Shoes said...

Interesting information. I just wanted to give my advice on how careful we need to be while buying the right footwear, especially when it comes to sports shoes as you need to wear the right shoe for the right sport to avoid injury and back pain. It is important that you buy from a specialized store that offers a variety that can you choose from and avoid imitations at any cost. A good sports shoe may be expensive but is always worth to buy. Also, its equally important that you replace your sports shoes every year (if you exercise regularly) even though they may seem comfortable. This is because they may not provide stability, movement control, and cushioning which they are actually designed for.

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