Tuesday, 10 February 2009

All Hail M.I.A.

I am not much a fan of watching award shows or ceremonies, hence why I did not bother to watch this years Grammys. I suppose it is my own fault that I missed this amazing, roof-blowing, performance by the 9 months pregnant queen of swagger M.I.A with the Fantastic Four of Hip-Hop (at this moment in time). Luckily for me, I stumbled across this post on Lifestyle of the Broke and Famous, where Mia La Belle showed me the hotness that I missed:

HOW THE HELL does M.I.A still rock so hard whilst so heavily pregnant without going into labour?! She is truly amazing, this just proves how seriously sik she is! Her swagger and performance almost made me forget that Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, Kanye and my 'hot diggity dam hubba-hubba' husband T.I was performing alongside her. If it wasn't for T.I. my focus would have just been on M.I.A!

And look how hot a pregnant women can look in the Henry Holland mesh dress!!! Who would have thought that this dress was so perfect for the preggers M.I.A. eh?? The polka dot modesty panels fit so perfectly over her sweet bump.

SPEAKING OF MESH DRESSES: I just want to say howdy to this blogs first (and probably not the last) Anonymous commenter...

I just want to tell you that if you have such creative plans for the AA mesh dress then please enlighten us and not publish comments as anonymous, otherwise how else would we see this creativity of yours? I really would like to see how you would rock such a dress, and if you do it justice, I will congratulate and pat you on you back. However, I do not agree where you say that picture of the AA model naked in mesh dress is "an inspiration of what you can do with the dress" because, quite frankly, she done nothing with the dress apart from take her underwear off and put it over her head...you see my point? If a naked girl in a see-through dress is not slightly slutty to you then, I don't know what is. Oh and that comment of us being uncreative and negative? When are we ever negative, and when did we claim we were creative geniuses (like you do)? Don't make me piss myself laughing.


Ashton said...

She is HUGE, I can not believe she performed on her due date haha. She was amazing, I love her, she is so colorful! :)

LJ said...

I love M.I.A, but I have to say I wasn't the biggest fan of her outfits choice this time..or the fact that she could have popped a baby singing paper airplanes! hehe
xx-LJ from SOS!

Michael Ly said...

I love, love the pairings they did this year. Coldplay+Jay Z? Joe Bros+Stevie Wonder? Who woulda think.

KB said...

I thought she rocked this dress, looked cute with the skirt and leggings, and seemed practically fully clothed compared to the AA dress. You should see the comments on the Daily Mail site, they're awful!

sandraaa_xo said...

T.I is my husband bitchh. :)
and urgh everyone is entitled to their opinion.
i agree you make the waste of a £32 creative, but really shouldn't be displaying their clothes like that, especially to their target market.
i've never ever listened to a whole song by M.I.A but i think i like this song just a lil bit more. bravo to her performing on her due day ! :O

Dooder City said...

Hey, I totally agree about MIA. She was totally working everything that night. I have seen MIA twice live and she blew me away. So much energy and so fun! I saw your post below about NYC. It looks like you had fun!

Anonymous said...

i cant believe shes wearing that dress, she looks great

CHIC Sensibility... said...

This performance was perfect.
Stay chic!

Kay said...

That is insane, she is going to be one cool mum.
Also I completely agree with your response to the picture being an inspiration of what you can do with the dress... oooh dear.

I think my mum has a couple of her books so when I've finished Tom Jones (which will probably take me a year or something crazy like that. It is 18 books long eughh) I will make sure to have a look.
Ahh that's a good idea! I will put it to her (:

Yvonne said...

wow really?! MIA is so cool and my admiration of her just rose a bunch.
i love her song Jimmy and of montreal's cover of it.

Princess Katrina said...

Shes a trooper!!!

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