Friday, 6 February 2009

Denim Dreams Vs. Denim Dreams

I was just virtually beating the crap out of the "blogger image upload" thing just now for giving me so much trouble and bloody uneven photographs! But now I have it has finally done what I what I wanted. EDIT: I just clicked published and it obviously has not done what I wanted: hdcdchjDHDEJLHLFEJFWGRBHN!!...excuse me.

I was supposed to post this subject matter last week but my sieve-like brain only just reminded me. I need your help guys! I got these two denim dresses in the last couple of weeks but I do not know which one to keep or whether I should keep both? They are two different colours:

I love the first H&M one because it can be worn casually or dressed up and the shape is very me. But I also love the zip detailing on the second Miss Selfridge one and the fact that it is a light denim. Oh and it is so my style with that 80s learning towards early 90s feel to it! Can I really afford to keep both?! But, I did get 20% of both of them though....

I Just don't know what to do...I am learning towards keeping them both...what do you guys think?


Sam said...

They're both pretty cute, but if I have the choose, I would say the first one. It's a more classier. Because of the darker color and shape

danDan said...

I like the second one best, cos i saw it and wondered if they had it in a size 16... :D


Demi said...

haha, wow, eagle eye!!
all my nail varnish was coming off and I didn't have time to repaint them, and I only had one finger without nail polish haha.

I like the first one, I prefer the colour and shape of it. I'm not too fond of the second one, sorry honey!


Noshabelle said...

Thanks for commenting! :) Ooh, love the first outfit!! x


Anonymous said...

I love the second one the most. It's pretty unique.

KB said...

I like the second oe, very nice for going out and I'd wear it during the day as well.

Kay said...

1st oneee mosss defff!!!!!
-thanks for my bday wishess lol

kandace said...

I like both dresses but if I had to chose one I would choose the second one. It's more unique. The first one looks like the traditional denim dress, but the detailing and and the lighter color on the second one makes it very fresh. I say if you're gonna keep one keep the second one. O and I'm loving your t-strap heels.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I just bought a denim dress on ebay, can't wait to receive it!


I love the first one.

Divinity Avenue said...

Keep the second. Love it.

Kay said...

Hah I'm seventeen tomorrow, but thank you!
ARGHHH I know, to be honest it's up there with the overpriced polyester.

Oh hell I am awful at making decisions, so really I shouldn't be commenting this as I will not help. To be honest I think they're pretty different so it wouldn't be that crazy to keep them both. Although I do like anything with exposed zips. The top one is maybe more versatile... really it depends on what you want out of it. Crap that was really not helpful. I vote keep them both.

And you are right! You can always tell when someone has been cheeky (yeh I use that word...christ) and just scanned

Hannah Cheeto said...

Hmm difficult decision! I would probably go with the second one, since it's basically awesome, but I can see how the first one would be more versatile... okay that doesn't help at all, does it? =P

Hannah Cheeto said...

P.S. Want to link?

Martha said...

Personally i prefer the second one.
Your tights are hot!

frances said...

I was so tempted by the second one! They're both so great. x

Ana said...

I would say the second one. Its more stylish, whilst the first one is a tad trashy (in my opinion).

Anonymous said...

keep them both!
i love them both!
although if you HAD to only keep one, i prefer the second one..but you do look pretty hot in the first
hmmm...decisions decisionsx

saray said...

love your denim dresses

LJ said...

I prefer the second one with the zips! and I have those H&M tights hehe, they're cute :)

xx-LJ from SOS!

Sarah said...

Personally, I would go for the first, but I wouldn't trust what I say; this is mainly because I've had traumatic experiences with exposed zips. Getting caught on an ex-boyfriend's parents' extremely expensive curtains kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. I don't even know how I managed to get myself into such a pickle.
But purely aesthetically, I suppose the second. :)

MJ. said...

If u could...both. If not, definitely the 2nd one!!! I wonder how would something like that would look on me...not so sure I would know how to wear it :P


Elisa said...

second second second.

BUTTT, if I really had to choose, I'd say both.
Or the cheaper one, out of complete indecision.

I'm basicaly no help.

I can't believe you remembered mixed ethnicities kid! He's in my french. I sit beside him. HOoray for alphabetical order!


Yinka said...

I prefer the H&M one! looks really good, n it's more versatile!!

Anonymous said...

i officially love your blog. i am linking you to mine. =)

Princess Katrina said...

I love anything DENIM! I have so many denim dresses, I could NOT survive without them!

They both look super cute on you. I love love love the 1st one tho! porn movies sex videos hd porno video