Wednesday, 9 September 2009

American woman, Mama Let Me Be

american tee

Here I am in my American flag tee I got from good old err...Old Navy! For a sweet $10 during the whole July 4th celebrations whilst I was in NYC. I really do love wearing red, white and blue on independence day, sad - yes, very tourist-like - yes, but I really do not give a damn what people think, it makes me smile, and others smile at me! This year, I am pretty sure my LDN to NYC posse were the only ones who went all out patriotic on this eventful day. Sigh, fun times. Anyway, I wore this outfit the other day with my Nylon Dunks! So hot. Love them to bits. My nails looked like this:


Yes, that is a real can of Duff. But it isn't beer. Its an energy drink. Also got this for my birthday and have yet to drink it, its too cool drink. The splatter paint effect was showcased for a second time, but with "Cobalt Blue" by Barry M instead of the "3 tone" by Charlotie Russe in the 'Nails Be fresher than the Whip in my Backyard' post.

I was watching behind the scenes footage of Kaya Scodelario (Effy from Skins) photo shoot for the October issue of Elle, and thought I would share it with you guys, just because she looks absolutely amazing. Like, really and truly amazingly stunning. I can't get over how HOT she is! I always thought she was super pretty and had a sick punky/grungy style in Skins which, even though it was all down to a very good stylist and 'Effy' costume wardrobe, suited her overall look. In this video, she admits that she has now started to incorporate her characters look into her own personal style. Argg I love it. She is one fine lady and oh so cute:

Oh, and how well suited is the 'Bang Bang Bang Bang' by Soho Dolls track to this video? Sick song mayyynnn!

Tomorrow evening, Thursday 10th September 2009, is Vogue's global celebration of fashion. The Fashion's Night out event is in collaboration with many designers, high street stores and boutiques who have all agreed to hold special in store events, music, discounts and all round fashion fun for all those who attend to celebrate their love of fashion. It will be a good one guys, check the Vogue website for stores that are participating in your hometown, and be sure to try and hit more than one spot! Make it a fashion night out marathon, especially as most of the events are running through to midnight! Don't forget to pick up the limited edition tee which coincides with the one day fashion event, designed by Vogue fashion director Lucinda Chambers. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the tees will go to 'Crisis', a London based charity for the homeless. The London participants who will be selling the Vogue tees are here guys, highlighted in yellow!

The title of the post, quoted from American Women by the amazing Lenny Kravitz (but you already knew that right?)

I have a load of M.I.S.S. assignments to do!! Hot Damn, I must get crack-a-lacking!! Until next time lovers....


sandraaa_xo said...

I do love Kaya, i've seen other modelling shots of her and she's great.
Fabulous outfit & i love your naiils :D

rio tapatio said...

Oh Rachel,,
everytime I read a blog post of yours, I just wna be you. The nails, the shoes,, hahaha.
keep doin your thanggg suga pie. &&i did know right away where the blog post title came from haha, xo

selinaoolala said...

omg i feel like i've looked all over bloody sweden for this issue and now i find out effy is in it, no way!!! must keep the hunt on, and also your nails are hotness!!! and your dunks! omg they look so good they make me wana wear kicks, and we both know i could never pull any off in a gazillion years haha!

Anonymous said...

girrrrrrl you hot!

LIKLE P said...

NIce seeing ya
made me even more jealous of the kicks!!!

♥KiMMiE said...

i freakn luv ur nails!!!! sooooooo cuteeeeeee. Man i think ur not popping up on my dashboard? i dunno why i havent been seeing all of this!!! porn movies sex videos hd porno video