Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Nails be Fresher than the Whip in my Backyard


My little sister is the chick to go to when I want my nails did, no need for a salon here guys. She is the slick-rick when it comes down to creating some unique and HOT ass nail art without the need of expensive airbrushing machines, nail art pens, or false acrylic nails! All my nail art on this blog is done free hand with the use of the average bottle of nail polish; no special brushes needed. There are no big brand nail varnishes here either, with most of our collection consisting of Barry M, H&M and random cheapo $1.99/£1.99 brands! Just letting you guys know you don't have to spend big bucks on bottles of lacquer which costs like £10 to do some sick designs...obviously, the quality of the "good stuff" will be better, but to just play around, and be creative with, a bottle of £3.25 shizz will do the job just fine!

car 2

car 1

On a hot and sunny day in London Town, I like to stroll around and do a lot of aimless walking, especially if I have nought to do! Sad, kind of, but what the hell ever! Its fun for me :-). On one of my trips I stumbled across this giant car, near Marble Arch. How cool is it?! I LOVVEEE ITT!!! Stuff which are Mini mini and/or OTT huge ginormous makes them all the much cuter. I wore this dress from Next's new "Catwalk Collection" which one of my lovely bestie buddy bought for my birthday present. Its pretty amazing, and reminds me of those novelty tattoo sleeves, but instead...its a tattooed bodied. Hot. No doubt.


Delight said...

verrryyy kutee nailss

D. said...

ur the cutest rach!

Strutt said...

Your sister did a really good job. I can't get my head round how that's done.

lipstick cherry said...

oh the nails are HOT!

cody said...

cute nails!!
xx cody

Anonymous said...

your nails are super snazzy. i miss talking to you!!! are you on twitter? if so add me:

Miss Pico Union said...

yup it was sneaker pimps... I had so much fun and got a bunch a free stuff.... Good times...

good outfit and i toatally can see you doing the multiple watch look.... try it .... porn movies sex videos hd porno video