Friday, 28 August 2009

I'm Down with the Nylon Cool Girls

Way back in February, I wrote a post called "I Wish I was a Cool Girl: A Nylon Cool Girl" in reference to one of the sickest Nike collaborations I have set my eyes upon *to date*, the Nylon Magazine Dunks. Unfortunately when they dropped in June, they never hit the UK; how silly of me to think they would have. Fortunately, I was in New York when they did drop in June. Alas, as I thought my sneaker luck was in, I found out the blue pair that I sought and lusted after were sold out in Nike, Mercer Street. Man, was I pissed, more so because my friend, Ms. Hood & Proper, and my sister both got a pair each in yellow and orange.

Fast Forward to my birthday, I received a gift from my sister. It was a box. I was so in awe of the amazingly epic wrapping paper which she made and designed out of childhood photographs that I did not even think "hey, this is a Nike shoe box". When I opened the box, I saw THAT shade of Nylon blue:
Its a pretty unique shade of blue for a sneaker. I didn't even have to peel back the pink tissue paper to know what was in the box! *Que a lot of over excited shouting, and me being overwhelmed...* My sister tells me when we were in NY, the day after we visited the Mercer Street Nike, she went back with Ms. Hood and Proper to exchange something only to be welcomed by the blue Nylon Dunks. My sister, being my awesome sister, purchased them and hid them from me for two months for my birthday present! (^_^).

So now, here I am; officially, A Nylon Cool Girl, a doofus one at that by the way...

Another video from my birthday y'all!


Totally check out this website, Overheard in New York, I don't know how many of you guys have heard of it or visited the site, but think FML but 10 times funny. I always hear funny, dumb shit in London, maybe I should start "Overheard in London". Anyway, its another one of those all round fun sites, for good old fashioned moments of procastination (Dammit where was this site whilst I was studying in University....)


LIKLE P said...

Nah I'm jealous your sister is a LEG!!!

Stevie said...

Oh wow...the blue were my favorrrite color as well. I live in LA so I should have snatched up a pair when they were available. Fail. Post pics when you pair them with a cute outfit...i'd love to see.

lipstick cherry said...

ur too cute =)

Mary said...

sick wrapping paper!
what a talented sister you've got.

love the colour on those dunks. it's sweet as.

oh and yes cobain is a legend.


Winnie said...

You have an amazing sister! Wow.

Also, the video made me laugh! Especially when they started to sing happy birthday to you.

Anonymous said...

loving the nails. ur sis has some skillz! btw what did your friend ask you in the video? "whats it like being an ---?"

donna AND navaz said...

What a sweet story. And hello... so steal that wrapping paper idea...

......JADE*ILLeen said...

awww mad cute. that was too sweet of her. I wish I has sisters like that!

Stephyy said...

nice!!! btw i luff!!!! your accent!! haha i gotta go to london town!

Paola Jordan said...

I really love Nylon Dunks!!! I'm jealous too! :D

yoshi said...

awwww your sis is so good to you! well deserved ma =)

Emy Augustus said...

hahaaa i'm checking out that website after i post this comment. i can imagine how funny it would be cuz i always here the ODDEST bits of convo when i walk by people on the streets... i can't even remember them now.. but yeah, just really random/bizarre sounding things...

and i hope this doesn't sound stupid but it is soooo cool to hear an asian and a black guy speaking with a british accent. I just never hear that. =P

Tyrael said...

Yep, us black guys and asians are something else! porn movies sex videos hd porno video