Saturday, 28 February 2009

I wish I was a Cool Girl: A Nylon Cool Girl

I will admit it now, my hateration radar is on overload right about now, from this Chanel sovereign ring to THIS! Do read on to get the full picture...

After much Internet hype over the up and coming June 2009 release of the Nike x Nylon kicks (Yes, the magazine!), I have basically been googling and lusting after them like it is some new form of addictive Internet porn. I am not really one to go all ape-shit over collaborations as I like to think I have some sort of self control and you know, maintain my cool. But the last few Nike collabs (M.O.B, Liberty 2009 and now, Nylon) have definitely tested my waters and made me realise that in all honesty, and reality, 'Rachel + Hot Sneakers + Consumerist Self Control' has never equated right. Anyway, not only are these hyped nylon material (GENIUS!=Nylon mag + Nylon material) kicks available to our male counterparts, but also US - THE FEMALES!! I know this will cause a major frenzy when they eventually become available to us normal, relatively un-Nylon cool folks, because guys and chicks will be on it like Sonic! No more running around like a headless chickens trying to find the smallest men's size (UK 5.5), and then claiming that they fit like a dream, when in reality that extra half size causes some flip-flopping effect which only you can feel and hopefully no one can see... *can you feel my resentment...??* The guys (with UK Size 8+ feet) can also be over excited now that they they can get their feet into a pair of these, and the be glad that they actually fit - unlike a few guys I saw attempting to squash hench feet into the slimmer ladies Liberty Dunks/Blazers a few sizes to small! (I have seen a few (luckier?) less endowed in the feet department guys rocking the Liberty Dunks/Blazers though!)

Some popular online magazines/blogs have reported on these yummy Nylon collab kicks being spotted on a couple of lucky too-cool-for-school types, namely, Mr. I-don't-need-an-introduction Mark "The Cobrasnake"...

And also one of the selected 'cool girls' chosen to rock this much heat during New York Fashion Week (I really want to know how cool this girl really is...will she really appreciate this opportunity!! Hating? ME! Never...I might have done such fabulousness much more justice...maybe...)

(Images from here and here. It is quite obvious where I stole these images, deep apologies, and just say the word and they will go...)

To my horror (and envy), after visiting a couple of my regular women's streetwear/fashion Internet reads, I find that the lovely ladies have also been sent these magical hotness excuse of shoes!!

She got the green pair!! I could not believe my beady eyes...

Then to add salt to the wound, Ms. Retro Gurl of Nitro: licious got the sunshine yellow pair (and she looks to dam cute in the picture....)

It seems as if they have been accepted into the members only, "Nylon Cool Girl Pact"....! Believe it! I am so jealous right about now! I have yet to see a blogger receive the pink pair (the one I truly heart...), so I will keep my eyes peeled and up my daily allowance of google engine searching and clicking! I am thinking mid-march will see the pink pair appear on some lucky blogger's feet, just in time for the April issue of Nylon where all the secrets will be unravelled...its all used to keep up with the guessing game and create more hype! I will keep those who read this posted, don't you worry! I really hope when they are unleashed in June that I won't have to go through another "begging-my-manager-for-time-of-work-just-to-buy-trainers-fiasco"....


Aside from my bitterness and 24-7 internet lusting, I am doing other, more productive things! My first ever M.I.S.S post was published today!! Its only a small piece but I am very happy and excited!! Its about a Sneaker Convention happening in NYC tomorrow (Sunday), so check my post for details (and to have a little read, and whilst you are at it, show M.I.S.S some love!!)
Speaking of NYC, I will do my holiday POST ASAP!!! Sorry for the delay, but my rant had to be expressed ^-^!


stephyy said...

omg I want them kicks!!! yellow i super cute! but I think the pink one would be cools to own <3

Kay said...

i cant waiit for them!! i want the pink pair so badly!

yay @ the MISS post lol

giggleness said...

those look amazing!

Joezehh said...

i love the yellow ones!
they're adorable!
x x x

Noshabelle said...

I L O V E the yellow ones!! But I liked the pink too. Hot as hell!

Anonymous said...



Winnie said...

Love the pink kicks!! They're awesome!

Also...haha Chinese babies can be the cutest!

Elisa said...

those shoes are fantastic.

shoe convention? you know you're obsessed when....?


Poshhh said...

those nylon hot pinks are gorgeous..when are they coming out?

Anonymous said...

add me to your 1234 list =(

Anonymous said...

yes i saw this a while back!!!! the pink ones are to die for!!!

LoveMore said...

oh those shoes are HOT..i wish i got sent something like that too! but i must keep dreaming i think!

thanks for your comment! great blog :)

xx LM

STEFANIE said...

Ooh the pink ones are def my favourite! ^-^

Anonymous said...

damn those are hot, i like the yellow ones

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