Friday, 27 February 2009

Chanel: Enough to Make Anyone Envious

Whilst I wait 10 years for my New York photos to finish uploading on Photobucket, I thought I'd share with you guys why I am currently hating on one of the Queens of the New Rave Scene, Carri Munden, aka Cassette Playa. After seeing her walk around central London like she was just your average chick a couple of times this year, and also being asked if I knew her whilst I was in the Big Apple, it seems like the Cassette Playa aura is stalking me (like those mesh dresses, and also new words that I have never heard of before suddenly being used in everyone's vocabulary...) It seems as if the typical "Do you know the Queen?" question being asked by Americans has now been turned into "Do you know Cassette Playa?"...I don't get it either haha!

Today my fellow New York lover Rachy, called me and told me that Cassette Playa was on the front of RWD Magazine with the sickest Chanel Ring. Knowing that I will not see said photo of ring until I see Rachy at work tomorrow, I googled her ass. Even though this chick has travelled the world, designed some cool shizz, and also recently collaborated with Nike on a glowing pair of Blazers, believe it or not - I don't actually hate her, or hate on her - I am just so jealous of that Chanel Sovereign Ring that has been so wonderfully placed on her index finger! I want it, I love it, I can never afford it. You guys all know I am a fan of the good old chunky-monkey style gold but Sovereign Rings are something that I just haven't got my head around yet, however, put the double 'C' on any type of chav gold and you will definitely have my beady eyes admiring and my palms sweating.


I have been back in L-O-N-D-O-N town for almost a week now, and along with trying to get my sleep pattern back to normal, going to uni, getting back to health (cough, cough) and attempting to keep up to date with blogs and writing for this baby, I AM ALSO INTERNING FOR M.I.S.S!!!!!! That was the other piece of exciting news I had, along with the NY trip I spoke of in this post. M.I.S.S is a online lifestyle magazine that covers news about fashion, art, beauty, music and design, and best of all, they love their kicks, just a much as I do! Everything on this online magazine is very 'me', check it out! I have just been trying to get up to speed with the M.I.S.S assignments but I will be sure to link posts that I have written for M.I.S.S on here, so you guys can have a read!

Oh and I am currently obsessed with this song after hearing it in a cheap clothes shop in NY:

You like??

OH AND ALSO! H&M are doing a buy 2 items get the 3rd item half price deal! It looks as if this stupid recession is making H&M go a bit nuts with all these deals! Further making us, the slaves to the H&M label, lust more and eventually becoming broke....this vicious circle eh?


C a t r i n a said...

woooow, amazing song!
this pic is cool, like it much much .:)
fabulous blog you have : )

rachy said...

rach ur mad! but so funny! i want that ring is so nice but i no if i had it i wud probably wear it around my neck on a chain, but not on my finger, i wud look tooo ghetto with the amount of gold i already wear

Anonymous said...

its a pretty hot ring!
well done:)on the jobxx

stephyy said...

lol thnks ma for the comments, and ya Im like a loser I like to read other ppls blog esp when they are interested in the same stuff I am :)

and ya I want me a ring like that lol

Anonymous said...

love the ring! i can soo see u wearing it!


Kay said...

that ring is amaziiing :D loves iit

&& I cant wait for ur NY pics . ALSO CONGRATSSS on the internship! good luck!

- && no you did not tell em about the boutique but thanks for keeping a heads up for me ;]

filthy lust said...

love that pic.

Charmaine said...

The chanel ring is sick but I have never heard of this Cassette playa character!

yiqin; said...

I'll die to own anything from Chanel!

Ike said...

awww congrats on the internship! that's pretty intense stuff! and the song is pretty good too :)

MissBrownSkin said...

Eee This Is So Weird Cause Ive Been Dribblin' Over The Same Ring For About 2weeks! Andddd Im Sitting Here Reading This And Im Sat Here With The Magazine Thinking Im The Only One With The Hots For A Ring! Ahaha
LOVEEE Reading Your Blogs Rach, I Find Myself Signing In Everyday Just To See Watcha Have To Say! Keeps Me Entertained :)
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