Sunday, 1 February 2009

And So, The White Snow Fell Alongside The Orange Petels on CNY...

...well one week after Chinese New Year anyway. On the day of London's Chinese New Year Festival in China Town!

Excuse my dweeb-like stance - this IS the best picture I had haha...haha...

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Liftoff?! Yeah, it looks like I'm about to take off! I can't help my excitement at seeing snow, I am probably smiling so HARD because my face froze in that expression in a matter of seconds. I know a lot of people hate the snow due to the cold and, most probably seeing it so often, but I truly love it when it falls because it hardly ever snows in London. Once a year maybe, but it doesn't lasts longer than 3 days or so..and it always falls on random months like...APRIL last year, on my friends birthday....!

If it snows like it is now tomorrow morning, Uni is a No. It is too cold to travel to the depths of the forests, where my uni is based, with no big conglomerate building nor houses to heat up the streets and take some of the blunt forces of the wind away; sheltering the people, leaving just a whisper of a breeze (like it does in the city). PLUS, do you remember me talking about my lecturer who extended our deadline (telling us too late) because of his dentist appointment? Guess what? HE DONE IT AGAIN! This time for a 'business trip' to CAIRO, EGYPT. Which means he will not be here to teach us, even though his module has the most work! I am glad he extended the deadline this time BUT this means there is less time (...for procrastinators) to do the other work. Not to mention, this is his THIRD 'business trip' this year...please note that we are only in the 2nd month of the year.

At Stef's Uni, she gets to go to cool feature lectures with attendants including, Tamara Mellon. At my Uni..I get a lecturer who gets to go on cool holidays without his doubt being paid for by our tuition fees, or at the very least, the money he squeezes out of us from photocopied module readers. You better be worth it, oh-sweet-BA Honors.

This is my outfit for the CNY China Town festival today, not that it mattered, as you can see from the picture above the above, I was wrapped up TIGHT to stop the cold. I went with the traditional wearing something new (one week late..) and something red (-ish as I hardly own anything red). I know people always say do not clash same prints AKA denim...but I done it ladies! I wore floral upon floral today ^_^! My denim peplum skirt is from Miss Selfridge and was in the sale for £10...but because of the 20% student discount promotion I got it for £8, bargain no? Although a teeny-weeny tight for my ever expanding tummy, it is bearable and too sweet to give back! And the rose on my face? I'm sorry, but it wasn't a pretty sight.

I have a couple of exciting things happening soon, but I don't want to say to much because I am such a superstitious freak and do not want to jinx anything!! The first thing is...I have an internship interview but I'm doo-dooing my pants because of my nerves...and it is not even until Tuesday. Pahhhh....all I am brave enough to say is there seems to be 30 people being interviewed thus I have a 1/30 chance of getting it...HMMmmm SLIMM! Argggg....! The second bit of news, I will get back to you on because: it is not a done deal YET, The dotted line is still blank, Hands have not been shaken, it is not signed, sealed or delivered get my drift? But I should know by the end of the week. I'm making it sound like something MAJOR but it isn't that big of deal really....

Oh and on a final note...If your enjoy reading stef's rare (HINT STEF), short-but-sweet posts and my long-winded, on and on and on... posts...'FOLLOW' our blog! Go on..look up, on the right side...3rd block down to 'LOVERS' (be our lover baby...) and click, click, click...


danDan said...

you guys are my new heroes... i too have an expanding waistline, but I just drink soup now and try not to eat after 8pm... it's hard cos I work best at night! yeah... the snow is fun for a bit, but when we wake up and it's all sloshy... what outfit do you wear for slush? oh gosh... decisions... good night!

KB said...

I know how you feel about these internship interviews, lots of people seem to want the Hong Kong placement all of a sudden. If I don't get it, I will probably be in mourning for about 2 weeks, wearing only black and rocking from back to forth in my room. Good luck with it anyways!

ohmylungs said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog! I've subscribed to your blog on my Google Reader now. Spent CNY trying to make a deadline, and there's no decent Chinese food where I am. Good luck on the interview and your other project!

yiqin; said...

Your jacket is amazing! Happy Chinese New Year :)

Anonymous said...

awesome,looks so much fun!
and yes..head to primark immediantly!

Rand said...

ooooh its snowing here tooo
haha u look like u had nicee time:)

saray said...

:O adore the denis skirt.

Secretista said...

I LOVE that skirt.

Anonymous said...

i love that skirt!

Danique said...

oh my god i love it :D
nice blog

jaja said...

aww u mentioned my birthdayyy!!! xxx

skirt looks nice mann, £8???!! porn movies sex videos hd porno video