Monday, 12 January 2009

Have You Noticed That I've Noticed You Watching Me?

SOOOooo angry today!!! Went bed at 4am...woke up for 9am...rushed to university and pay for a tube fair because I was late, only to wait around for half an hour to find out my lecturer has made "an unpleasant trip to the dentist for a complete root canal" (his words, not mine)!!!!ARGGGG and to top it off, after rushing my work, he tells us he has extended our deadline. Bit late, no?

I wore this weird and wonderful eye print dress yesterday. I got it back in October/November '08, and have only worn it twice...I'm not sure why because I love it! Its a shame you can't really capture the full effect of the way the dress has been made to drape at the sides, and the dart seams that has been put in the chest area so that the dress falls in this way! But here is the picture/collage:

And it was freezing in London town yesterday JHHHEEZZZZZ!!! So I wore my dog ear / trapper hat, whatever you like to call it....! Its checked black and pink and it actually fits my head haha! You might also be wondering why the hell I always make these type of amateur collages with my unskilled hands on photo shop. Well the answer is: I have no where to take any half decent pictures without nonsense in the background! And lack of tripod means I have to balance the camera wherever I can! As much as I would like to take such great self-photographs, like the pro-bloggers out there, I do like that that my images are a little different!

Oh my! How I love the styling in these "skiing outfits"! You would never guess that it came out of 'Fabulous' magazine (tack alert..) which is a supplement from UK Sunday newspaper 'News of the World.' I have to admit, I do have a little soft spot for this tacky mag, but only because it is a quick and easy read and most of the outfits or pieces are form the high street, making them easily attainable for you average Jo, like me! So now, I'm going ask my dad to quickly drive me to the shops so I can find that leopard print trapper hat, which means I am conforming with what the magazine wants me to do...go buy now bitch!..

Wish me luck!

BTW..I did not know only black coffee keeps you awake! & here's me drinking my sweet, milky coffee in the hope that I don't fall asleep whilst I do all these assignments! Pah!


LANA said...

Like your outfit, and that dress with the eyes is crazy cool!
Love your sneakers too!

FashionSqueah! said...

I like your crazy photoshop collages! It is hard to find a place to take good photos (hence why mine are rubbish!) especially without feeling like an idiot! Yours are more fun I think...the eye dress is amazing! Char x

Leah said...

ahh i love your blog! im glad you found mine, so i was able to find yours! anyone who can pull of kicks like that and still look chic is a win in my book.

ps. i got that bag from primark on oxford st this past june when i was studying in london.

Mimi said...

such a cute dress

styleburst said...

i love your collage too!!
and the outfit!! it's gorgeous hun! i'm totally smitten with the eye dress!

ray desre said...

love the dress.v cool outfit xx

Linnéa said...

Love the photo shoot <3<3 porn movies sex videos hd porno video