Saturday, 25 April 2009

I Killed a Leopard & Threw it on my Back, Jeremy Scott Style

JS leopard  3

Yawn, yes, even your mum has most probably seen/heard/read about the Jeremy Scott x Adidas Originals collaboration by now. Pictures and information of this collab have been floating around since Autumn last year! But this won't stop me from expressing my love for the goodies, especially as yesterday was the first time I spotted the SS09 in store! I think it has been in store for a month or less now, but helloooo I have been housebound for how long due to my academic studies. Give me a break!

The dudes and I went to the Originals store and Selfridges to check out the goods and we were super excited! Be warned, if you want a piece of JS x Adidas action...forget about going to Selfridges because they bump the price up of each piece by a good £10-£20!! I was shocked, definitely go to the Adidas Originals store. Unless of course its a last resort, for instance, the above leopard fleece hoody was only sold at Selfridges.

The leopard fleece hoody (paws and tails included) was a steep £150 :-( but how cute is it?! I was just trying it on to see how silly I looked but I love it!!! Its too adorable and I feel like a kid playing dress up, as my friend (Coco Pine - check the bitch out y'all!) noted it looks like I just fell out of "Where The Wild Things At" land, which is pretty darn fitting seen as it is my all time favourite chidren's book, along with "A Necklace of Raindrops" (dope kids book). Granted, it does look like I just killed a leopard - skinned and gutted it - and threw it on my back as a form of outwear, but that just adds to my fantasy imagination and all the fun of the jacket, no? I truly adore every detail of the hoody, and it plays a little on those Bape shark 'zip all the way up to the head' hoodies but 100 times better, sweeter and less overplayed. Like for real, paws and a tail? *I heart*!

The only thing I fear if I ever bought this and wore it around my area on the London streets, are the stupid fools who will no doubt pull my tail. I wouldn't mind the stares or laughs so much (they clearly do not understand) but the pulling of the tail would seriously push my buttons, and I would be tempted to turn around and claw at them.

JS leopard

JS leopard  2

150 odd pounds is a hella lot of cashmonies so I can only hope it drops in the sale, if it ever reaches to that stage! I also wanted the leopard print t-shirt but £40 (£50 in Selfridges!) was also too steep for my purse, I have holidays to save up for and my mummy and daddy are not the rich folks who fund my life!

The on trend, less sporty and more fashionable items from the Jeremy Scott collab were much more expensive. Items with thrills, fringing, sequins and also the black and white cup, cropped corset top (effing love this piece) started from around £150, so I gladly touched and admired without looking too shocked.

Me & my sister obviously couldn't leave empty handed; one of us had to get something. It was between the leopard print t-shirt for me, because if you don't know, I am quite fond of the odd animal print, and a zip-up leopard print jacket for my sister. £45 for the tee and £70 for the jacket....we chose the jacket of course! It seemed a lot more worth the money and it is the HOTNESS!!! I love it, on my sister, I look like a right dweeb wearing it. She looks so cool and I'm going to be a proud big sister walking next to here when she wears it :-D. This was one of the cheapest JS Adidas Originals pieces and totally worth the £70, and we were even more psyched as we saved £10 because it was £80 in Selfrigdes!

JS jacket

This is what I wore on one of the rare outings that actually requires me to take a break and leave my house. Its a very old dress that belonged to above sister aged 10. My mum found it whilst going through a cleaning frenzy.

brick lane


Those Nike Terminators....! There was a lot of Internet news floating around for these badboys and everyone was under the assumption these were going to be an Asia release only. Could you believe my shock when I saw them?! I want them so bad....but £85....! I've been so good, and have not bought a single pair of kicks since I came back from New York in February....should I break my trainer fast?? I'm in two minds...and plus I want the Nylon x Nike dunks that I mentioned in previous posts here and here...which are to be released on June 1st!


Sheeett its almost 5pm and I have not written a single word for my dissertation, which by the way is about the subculture of trainers...! Easier said than done, I promise you! If I don't do 1000 words today I will be royally bummed....


Martha said...

First i lovelovelooove those nike terminators however the nylon x nike kicks are really tempting can't wait for the release :)
Next your dress is really cute, i love it. And lastly that addidas jacket is hawt!!! I love that too :)

yiqin; said...

I would die for that jacket. The tail behind got me.

Kay said...

Fantastic choice, that's actually not bad for a jacket either! The first one was a bit on the steep side... and I have a feeling you may have been right about people pulling on the tail.

tjayne said...

Love the leopard print adidas jacket! Gonna take a trip to the covent garden store really soon :-)

C a t r i n a said...

looking a m a z i n g !:)

Coco Pine said...

Ok first, thank you muchos for the plug!!!
Secondly, since when was everything so damn expenisve!! and boy do u kno alot about trainers, I never realised u kno alllll that.
Now, THAT JACKET IS NOT WORTH £150, sorry, I hope I didnt upset ur readers but nooo, I'm sure baby gap do something similar he he he

I do like kyles leopard print (obv) addidas one, its boom i also love love your dress, flowers and cotton=a dream!! so is the trainers that were only meant to be released in Asia, they're nice...finally those damn Nylon trainers better be worth it lol keep pushing with your dissertation!

LANA said...

That leopard jacket is cool!!! And you rock the Digs girlll ;)!

Anonymous said...

haha i saw these on fb, so cute

stephyy said...

<3! "jacket kinda freshh" na it iss girl I have to go where you live! Florida is so boring!!!! haha

Tuotierugif >^..^<© said...

The leopard print hoodie is so cute! It reminds me of one I saw on hyori lee that I was craving for! lol

Noshabelle said...

I love the photos! Haha, specially the jacket with the tail! lol
And your dress is super cute, darling.

Winnie said...

Love that hoody and the tail is too cute but you're right, people will pull that tail which would drive me insane too!

The jacket your sis got is pretty awesome though. Totally borrow it if you manage to get it to work for you!

Your dissertation is so you! Do you get to illustrate it with lots of pics?

Betsey J. said...

I LOVE that hoodie soooo much.


rio tapatio said...

haha i love what you said...."they'd pull my tail and i'd wanna claw them"

and you're right, you might get looks but they obviously just wouldn't understand...haha...

i want the JS adidas shirt.!

LIKLE P said...

Lepard print way fwd GOOD TIMES

Ally said...

that hoodie is so funny ^^
i love it <3

I WANT those NIKE!!!! *-*

Rebecca said...

haha that first jacket is amazing
lepoard print suits you, espesh the adidas onexxx

zoë said...

oh no way ! i hadn't seen that hoodie yet .. i did however see a black tuxedo-style pianist hoodie that was soooooo cool, jeremy scott is hella talented, the shit he comes up with, i swear !
and i love me some pretty nikes, i've always wanted a pair of cute floral ones, especially nowadays with the fab weather and all .
anywho .
love these pictures of you ! xx

Hippie Frou Frou said...

That leopard hoodie is so fun!

jess s//

Frock Around the Clock said...

I looooove the jacket that your sister got - still got leopard print with the added bonus that no one would be able to tug the tail. I love your dress as well! I've only got horrible 90s clothes from when I was ten like a velour striped t-shirt from marks and spencers! (Yes really... completely disgusting) :) x

Kay said...

hey loooove!!!! how are u?? ive been so MIA! that hoodie is tooo cute but only a few can pull it off. like u lol

yoshi said...

you are too cute. hit me up next time you're in NYC =)

Emy Augustus said...

i see lots of leopard. glad u guys were able to leave with something leopard related! i wonder what ur paper's about ...

Nana said...

that jacket is one of the most awesomest things I've ever seen! XD

Kandace said...

That leopard print jacket it totally awesome. And on another note I was wondering where you have been. School is kicking my butt as well so I totally feel your pain. Good luck on your dissertation.

lucille said...

lovely pics !!
lucille a little french girl !

LokitaMardanti said...

Oh my dear..i ever wanna buy a simmiliar jacket like yours,but it's a panda or bear or sumthing...i never found that leopard.hahah lucky you.jealous me.

thumbs up for u.
check out mine


hey mama where can i find this jacket please (wish store or online)???? I WANT TO DIE!!!!IT LOOK SO GOOD ON U I wANT THE SAME

Meg and Komie said...

Ok seriously we LOVE how you are always rocking some sort of kicks...Always. It's fabulous, we are super fans of sneakers as well and can only beyond appreciate all the pairs you sport.

The leopard hoodie looks adorable on you.

Love your contributions to Miss mag...


Anonymous said...

omg those terminators... *whimpers* I want them so bad... where did you find them??

Paul said...

Cool, but how about leopard print (hoodie for example) for guys :-/ can't find any.
Suggestions please

lifeisafairytale said...

OMG I'm already looking for that second jacket for like a hundred years ^^ (the one with Adidas on the back)
Could you please tell me the name/article number(?) and everything?
So that one is from the Jeremy Scott collection or...?

Hope you'll react at my blog!

Charlotte said...

OMG OMG OMG that hoodie. I need it. I NEED TO WEAR IT. porn movies sex videos hd porno video