Wednesday, 4 March 2009

New York and I, in Pictures...

Drumroolll please! I have finally got round to uploading mine and Rachy's recent New York trip pictures! I warn you know : 20+ PHOTOS! SORRY GUYS! I have never been good at editing...

Heathrow Airport, my flying outfit (a flight I was knocked out on, thank goodness for Travel Pills...):

New York Motherfookers!! See my excitement?? Fake golllldddd...Canal Street:

Next stop, NSW at 21 Mercer Street. Check this place out, its really cool and was one of the top hot spots on our Sneaker hit list. This is where the Nike dude took a picture of me for the Nike blog:

Next Stop was Opening Ceremony, who stock the very few designer collaborations with sports brands. They sell lots of high end designer clothes too, but I was only interested in the Nike x Liberty and the Adidas x Jeremy Scott kicks! I think they are stocked exclusively here, but they didn't have my Liberty Dunks here, only the Blazers!! I was not allowed to take any photographs, but I had to snap the Opening Ceremony loves Sanrio display! SOO cute! A giant Hello Kitty and her house which had a load of HK stationary in it. I was a tad confused as to how you would get to the HK goods - was you allowed to go in the play house? I was too embarrassed to ask!

Later that evening, Rachy and I met up with my girl Yinka! Yinka happened to plan her NY trip on our uni's reading week (which was NY week to us!) the same time as ours so we was bound to meet up for Dinner. It is so wierd seeing someone from home in another city, hence why I was over happy to see Yinks! We ended up going to a very overpriced and overrated Applebee's in Times Sq. Yes, we know it is Times Sq. and what did we expect, but I can still moan if they charged $53 for just two main's and ONE DRINK! I stuck with tap water...:

The next day we met with uber-sauce pot Emma of All in Your Innerspace!! After hearing of my upcoming trip to NYC, she sweetly offered to meet up with us and show us around Soho and Brooklyn. Emma and her effortlessly cool self met up with us even though we were an hour late! SORRY!! We had a very nice day, walking-talking, being spotted by Olya, and shopping it up. We hit up a few sneaker stores, Girl Props (LOVE!), Kid Robot, and of course Brooklyn's famous Beacon's Closet and Buffalo Exchange. We saw the Girl Prop's sports car too, if I had a dream car it would be that, along with pimped out HK accessories!! We ended a nice day by being shouted at by an angry Italian waitress in a Brooklyn Pizza place...good times! Before our meet, me and Rachy walked around Harlem and walked into a thrift store (who would have thought?) that had some sick 80s silk windbreakers waiting for my arrival no doubt! Cheap as hell too - $3.50 - $6.99!!!! And I know they go for quite a bit on EBay kmt! Rachy got a really cool old school purple New York printed crew neck!

This lot are from our more relaxing days! Our asses were basically broke after our shop-athon in the Big Apple, and probably only after 2/3 days :-(! But it was cool, because we went to all the stores we wanted to, whilst discovering new ones and got stuff for our famo and ourselves! We had a few days left in which we just chilled and strolled aimlessly and doller-lessly (well almost...). We had to go TJMaxx as well, to get me a new suitcase, because the 1st one was full...! I kept within my 'taste's' and got a Jansport Zebra printed one ^-^. We stayed in an really, really nice hostel in Harlem called 5th Spot Avenue. I highly recommend this place, but this is purely based on the 2-bed private en suite room! I am not too sure how the other shared rooms were! Our room was a bit more expensive, but you get a lot more! If the £-$ rates were better this place would have been a bargain!! And we are told that our room wasn't even the best private one they had - can you imagine! The hostel was clean, had vending machines, no curfew, good beds, hot water and a flat screen TVs (!!!). We had one in our room, which was useful for our early nights!! Note my bag matches my kicks!!

With our purses filled with quarters and cents, we headed to the convenience store to buy us sweets and snacks, some to eat there and then and some to take home! I LOVE the Arizona green tea with ginseng and honey! This drink was, excuse my language, CHHHHHOOOOONNNNGGGGGGGGGGG!!! It was so yummy, and only 99cents for that huge ass can! Ergg typing this is making me crave some! Cherry Head, Lemon Head, Mike and Ike's and Hot Tamales were delicious too....

You may remember me lusting over the Nike Air Digg's in this post. With a city full of trainer stores, you would think this one trainer would have been easily acquired. Well, they were bloody hard to find I tell you!! I think because they were just released, maybe they are everywhere now! These were on my most wanted list, and these were the only shoes that stayed in my mind whenever I stepped into a store. Whenever I am looking for something, it is always the hardest to find! This was a mission and a half, but I finally found it in New York's finest Dave's Quality Meat! They were a bit more than I was willing to pay, but I HAD TO COP THESE!! Little did I know, after all my hard work, these are now sold one week later in a stupid chain-sneaker store in my local high street. When Rachy told me, I was mortified. But this does not take away from its hotness!!! Hopefully no-one gets them in my local area....

Rachy and I in Penn Station at 4am, waiting for our NJ Transit train amongst many, many crackheads and tramp that reside at the train station every night for a bed and was quite scary, I won't lie:

My NY LOOT! These are the kicks I picked up! I know 7 pairs (EEK!), even I know that is extreme! But I gave my little sister a pair!! L-R: Nike AF2, Nike Air Diggs, Nike Recognition High, Nike Dunks Low , Reebok Freestyle, Nike Dunk Low and Nike Vandals!!


rachy said...

i nearly started crying, its so depressin!!! i want to go back. maybe if i click my heels it will work!


your trip looks amazing! :D
I wished I lived in new york!

KB said...

Lol how did you get through customs? I'm still waiting to hear on this damn NY placement, so annoying...

Rachie-Pie said...

Rachy: when you click your heels and it works, make sure you come past and pick me up!! I will too try and click my rubber soles!

Lala: ME TOO :-(! I lovings it!!

KB: LOL your allowed two suitcases ;-) thanks goodness they changed it otherwise i will be at the postal office evryday!

Kay said...

i`m gettin those shoes! the ones u got at DQM, theyre only 70 at this website! && u must tell me where u got those lowtop dunks with the purple & black! ah so sexy!

&& it looks like u had soo much fuuuun i wish we would of met up =\

u should come this summer if possible :D

-also mayyybe i`ll get the JS adidas from opening... if they have them when i go to nyc in 2weeks which i doubt =\

stephyy said...

omg I love your shoes!!!! man I cant wait to go to NY you gots to recommend me the places you went to shop at!!! <3

sandraaa_xo said...

i am in shock!
i want to go to new york :(

Anonymous said...

looks like so s somuch fun,i wanna go with my friends some day:)
7 pairs,wow,they are all pretty awesome:)
(i have gcse stuff i need to revise for,so i havnt been posting much till next week, im afraid:()

Anonymous said...

ah no party pcitures??? i loook so bad in these

KB said...

Two suitcases? That's good, well maybe i'll still need another plane ticket as I'M GOING TO NEW YORK! Not sure when, but it will be happening. Need to cease all my American Apparel purchases as of now. I'll be picking your brains for all the cool NYC places to visit at some point...

Noshabelle said...

Awesome pics!! I wish I lived in NY! :D


Joezehh said...

how on earth did you manage to pack such amazing outfits into one suitcase?
life isnt fair, i always pack my favourite items only to open my suitcase in a foreign country and find that i have, ahem, "NOTHING TO WEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR."
i swear down, we went to bulgaria for two weeks last summer and i spent about half of that time watching 'the jetsons' on cartoon network.
i really do love your style, oh wow oh wow.
x x x

Martha said...

=/ you have so many hawt kicks
i love the nike digs, af2s, vandals and the reeboks. I really wanted a pair of reeboks but the ones they do in footlocker are nasty =/

Looks like you had fun in NY
and thanks for the lovely comment =]

Kay said...

In the picture of the guy photographing your trainers you look so 'ohhh my/eek' (:
$3.50?! I HATE England.
That car is insaaneee, you would look so cool driving round in that.
You look like you had such a great time, so so jealous!

Argh so true, people just can't be bothered to read sometimes. I mean seriously check out some of the comments on Tuesday's post (I don't want to name names but you'll see which ones I'm talking about). One post I did about a knitwear designer, Mark Fast, got a comment saying it would be really cool if it was knitwear. The word knitwear was in the title. Not even kidding.

Carsi said...

looks like you had so much fun here, you made away like a bandit with all those great sneaker finds :-)

Olya said...

Glad you had so much fun in NYC! And your sneaker purchases are sick. I love them.

India said...

oh I can't wait for my trip haha I love canal st Im 4 hours away but too lazy to go what cam do you use?

KB said...

Ah thanks! It's basically a knitwear manufacturing company, supplying to major U.S brands. Involves a bit of designing, probably a lot of admin, but also fun things like shop reports (taking sneaky pictures of knitwear in changing rooms). It's all through Uni, we have to do a placement year, and we just apply to them as they come up.
I can't wait to get to know the city, and eagerly await your list. I'll let you know when I'm going out there!

Frock Around the Clock said...

I am impressed that you had to buy a second suitcase! I also really want to know why a waitress started shouting at you?! If I did that in work I would be in soooo much trouble haha.. This post makes me even more desperate to visit this fabulous looking city! :) x

Kay said...

hey lovely! that would be AWESOME if we meet up! i am definitely down, do u have an accent? if so it will catch on to me & i`ll start speaking like u lmao

& yeah the phone is expensive cause its the original retail price.. =\ ... i try not to think about the shoes as much but u know its bothering me ... a lot...


anyway the shoes are @

Frock Around the Clock said...

LOL! As if you wanted to look at the menu.. thats just not the done thing any more.. I would have deffo yelled at you for that haha.. The hairband was £6.95 they had soo much cool stuff in there. Obviously my bf hates the hairband.. maybe I could wear it with the bumbag as well.. he'd just disown me hahaha

As for the necklace unfortunately I bought it full price which was annoyinggg but it is really fun and I wear it quite a bit. They had one more pair of those earrings in purple and for some reason I didn't buy them. I think it was because I wanted someone else to enjoy them as well or some stupid reason like that.. really I should have snapped both pairs up! Ah well! :) x

Kay said...

lmaoo awesome! well i have videos up on my blog so thats how I TALK ;]

Awesome Randomness said...

great pics...all your new sneakers are cool....nice of you to give one to your younger sis

In A NY State Of Mind said...

lol. yea shes badd!

one of the main reasons im waiting for transformers 2. haha

Flyings0l0 said...

I know i'm gonna sound like a major stalker. But I look at your page cus I love your kicks. Anyways you were in New York recently & i just realized I was one of the sales girls who helped you & your friend. AT stardom you bought the vandals & the air force II's just found it ironic...& no I am not a stalker I just recognized your yellow nikes & ive been to your page before Anyways hope you enjoyed New York. Thanks from buying from Stardom andHave a good day lol

Winnie said...

Wow You really do love your kicks! I love that animal print pair. Awesome pics and I really wish I was in NY!!

Deezie said...

Omg,atleast ur new york trip looked fun, i have to say i love
the dunks ,i saw them at foot locker,im really tryna cop them, only 1 pair left :S i wanna go back to newyork this summer,its everything i want in one city :P

selinaoolala said...

fab post!!! omg looks like it was so amazing, your buys are lush!

Anonymous said...

great blog you got here

yoshi said...

LOL - we have the same collection... EXACTLY the same =) my friend used to work for nike and would send me all of her protos to doo product reviews - so glad girls are sportin them HARD!!! yay!!!

yoshi said...

oh and my bf works at dqm - wonder if you saw him? lol

Ally said...

Im in love with your blog! xD

FrankieBaby said...

omg i love the purple ones with the black print...where did you get them???

Meg and Komie said...

Gawwwwwwwd NY is the SHIT!!! Would give anything, ok almost anything up to go back...We are currently salivating over your kicks...As Kanye says..."It's Amazing"

Miss Pico Union said...

wowowww.... I love that you give words to read on all your posts.....

those shoes are tits...

I kind of miss my nike collection, but o'well....


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