Saucy much? I really doubt that anything can tip the scale on the 'mesh slut-o-meter' after that American Apparel 'dress', or as it is more commonly known as 'a giant fishnet with neck and arm holes'. I don't particularly like this Hellz Bellz number from their soon to be released Spirng 09 collection, but lets be real, this is hardly the worst piece of mesh now is it? And plus I wanted to add to my mesh archive. Hellz Bellz has also followed this mesh theme through to an amazing zebra print print windbreaker which you guys can see on Trashbag Aesthetics. A grey zebra print windbreaker with contrasting red mesh panel's under the arms and down the sides?...I must say, a brand after my own heart! Seriously check out the lookbook, I think I love every piece, bar the mesh dress above. I am especially salivating over the 'Coco Bellz' print t-shirts and the multi-coloured squared cardigan, which is reminiscent of the broadcasting test pattern (that colourful pattern which test TV signals).
So after all those mesh dressed celebrities/brands that I have stalked, here I am in a rather discreet mesh dress - compared to the ones we have seen. Don't worry no free-falling boobs here:
Decent enough? I think so, plus I love the print and the ruched mid section! When I saw this hanging lifelessly in the River Island sale rail for £10, I knew it was my time to do my good deed and perform some first aid to bring it back to life. I got this in the January sales, when back then mesh wasn't flaunted half as much as it is now. I will admit that at first I was vary of the mesh section. But I tried it on anyway and boy did it come to life! A swift purchase indeed.
❤❤❤ New York in 5 days baby! Oh and if you are new to the blog be sure to follow our blog and show us some love❤! Comments will prove that you love Leopard Print and Lace too...❤❤❤
awesome outfit. tasteful mesh, haha!
and yeah, what WERE they thinking over there at AA?
(oh and vv is Value Village, best thrift department store ever)
(: haha, great post.
i adore very much the mesh dress you bought ;D very chic.
Love the outfit!! x
i def saw some girl wearing the aa mesh dress who had some serious free falling boobage. no bueno
and how long are you in nyc for? we should get our shop on
ah i love harlem, me and the irish boys stayed on 119th last summer ;)
you arrive next wednesday? let me know when youre here and maybe we can meet up
i think 126th is better, youll be by the express train. email me at [email protected] and i can give you my number
I have a white top with mesh panels, honestly its nicer than it sounds!
I think that if boobs aint on view, mesh can look really cute and different.
Sweet dress.
Clio x
VERY VERY VERY well covered up theuntastefulness
you make the outfit look prettty,awesome,my dear
and the boob hanging out..its like slut..for stylish people.
i never thought those two words would appear in the same sentence together.
but you look nice
rock on ,yeah
and have a SPLENDID time in new york
it kind of annoys me that the dress in the first picture could be devestatingly amazing if it had been made properly minus the shock value slut factor!!
i love this blog...i hadn't read it in so long and have just spent ages ctaching up again!!
oh me!! oh my!!
This is the one with the mesh-ness like mine!! Beautiful beautiful, I am liking the print a lot. Also I am not big on River Island, so this is quite an achievement (:
I have heard that from my aunt before, I went to the midnight launch thing of the last Harry Potter and she told me to be careful because people thought I might be Hermione. I nearly verbally hit her but decided it probably wasn't the best idea.
Also that is the first time I have ever WANTED a denim jacket in my life, nice onee
i want a mesh dress!
the hellz bellz one! in le lookbook
the watch? love it... £8 in Brixton Market...
I like mesh but the nip flash in the AA ad...mmm me no likey much! It doesn't compliment the beautiful female anatomy at all!! I'd rather she be standing there wearing just the top alone with nothing underneath rather than that silly peekaboo..
xx-LJ from SOS!
Love love love the mesh! I wasn't sure if someone could pull off mesh and still look classy. You managed to rock it girl. Get em!
i really like your dressxxx
your room is so cute. i love your lil bags.
This is a fantastic post! The dress is so beautiful. And value village is the greatest place on earth. :)
hope to hear from you
peace and love
hellllo! looks perfection!
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