Monday, 17 October 2011

Nike x Liberty Blazer Kara's Trees - Summer 2011 Collection

I have been meaning to write this for the LONGEST time. Just an update and photo of me, taken by this AMAZING person ;-D, and my 3rd pair of Nike x Liberty kicks - "Kara's Trees", this one being from the summer 2011 collection; a collection I was quite excited about. I got these way back in April! Such a while back now.  My hair is neither that long nor that colour. I am also a load paler.

Just a quick post to say "HEY" and "WHAT UP". I have been neglecting Leoparad Print and Lace for a little while now, little things like life takes over, and you just run out of time to do things you love; like write and blog. I must not let this happen again. So many times over the past 6 months I have been saying I should blog this and blog that, but I just never have time. I now write on the Shoparazzi blog, so check it out when you can or if you are just missing my words of wisdom! Nothing about me but it is very informative about places to shop and sales to hit, even if I do say so myself. And, download the Shoparazzi App too. Its FREE. Nice plug eh?

I have shit loads to blog about, namely to do with my year and holidays. Should be fun to relive all those memories through the blog!

I have a Tumblr. Follow me.

I have a Twitter. Follow me.

I have an amazing Instagram Account. Follow me.

I have a Facebook. Leave that the fuck alone.


Stephie-Pie said...

Hahahaha at the fb comment!

Came to Give Love said...

Hey, so this happens to me too, the itching feeling after I run and this occurs because our legs haven't been conditioned to running so much (it's pretty much all the blood in our legs is being circulated like crazy), but the itching sensations all go away if we keep running. Lol, this happened to me in the sixth grade as I ran laps in gym for an hour an I felt like my legs were on fire, and my gym teacher told that my legs were really being worked out. Keep running and your body will become conditioned and don't worry about those itching sensations because they will go away, unless you stop running for a while, trust me, then they will come back!

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