Monday, 23 May 2011

Frank Ocean - Acura Integurl Music Video

OH MY GOOOSHHH!! Frank Ocean FINALLY releases an official video :D! I really can't contain my excitement, watch and listen:

In the words of the man himself: "Decent excuse to drive a nsx through mountains."  (follow his tumblr!)

It is so PERFECT. So beautiful, so fitting, Eeeeppp! I wish it wasn't just 1.57 seconds long...but, I guess it just keeps us wanting more from him. I want to SEE and HEAR more!

I haven't been this excited about a new artist for a very, very long time. When I first heard his mixtape, Nostalgia, Ultra, a couple of months back, it was the only thing I listened to: each track back to back for hours and days on end. I just love it. If you are the very few who have yet to hear it, I highly suggest you download it ASAP (Frank Ocean - Nostalgia, Ultra Mixtape).  There will be an official release of his album through Def Jam on the 26th of July, which I guess will feature this track as it isn't on the current mixtape. I really hope the official release of Nostalgia, Ultra will feature new music from Ocean, he is truly amazing.  This 1.57 second track is on constant reply as I'm writing this, His Voice. I DIE! I heard he is coming to London soon, believe me when I say I have to and will do everything in my power to see him!

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