Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Lomography Coloursplash Camera, 35mm, and Polaroids

Laura from The Polite Parisienne got to play with her new toy all last week, namely her Lomography Coloursplash camera. She collected the pictures from the developers (hold tight Jessops) and the results were amazing. We didn't even know if any of the pictures would come out because someone opened the back of the camera, potentially exposing the film, stupid ass!

Who doesn't love the unexpectedness of the photographs when it has finally been developed and the graininess, slight off colouring result of the images? Using a 35mm film is a lot more fun, and the less-than-perfect photographs are that little bit more appealing in this age of expensive digital cameras and overly complicated SLR cameras! Personally, it just makes me appreciate the old-school style of developing as well as eliminating the need to always have absolutely perfect and flawless photographs (no matter how amazing the results) that we see so much in the blogsphere and on tumblr after tumblr. There is no option of constantly re-taking pictures because the first wasn't good enough/you don't look hot enough, if you look ugly, bitch, you will look ugly! I am going LA, San Francisco and Las Vegas in about three weeks and will most definitely be bringing a 35mm camera (and a whole load of film) along for the ride, as well as my trusty compact Canon.

It was definitely a week of vintage photography for Mounisha's birthday and some gatherings <3:

All photograhs are by LAURA!

1 comment:

sandraaa_xo said...

I've seriously missed your posts!
glad you're alive and well :P but no really :)

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