Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Nike ACG Air Max 1 & Nike Blazer VTG Suede Burgundy

It has been a while since a pair of Nike's have really taken my fancy. The last pair I bought were the "Gold" (really, it was just yellow) vintage blazers a couple of months back, which got totally ruined in Barcelona.  **photograph of me wearing yellow Nike Blazers in a generic small European street**

Prior to those golden bad boys...I honestly cannot remember what else I have bought, it has been that long. In my old age, I am a lot more selective with kicks I like to wear and buy. You are most likely to see me in my staple black and white Air Max 1's. Boring? Maybe. Simple and easy? Most definitely.

I have had my beady oriental eyes on the quickstrike burgundy blazers for a few weeks now. The burgundy colourway will be perfect for the winter days, however, the suede uppers not so much. Really, as if that will stop me, hold tight suede and leather weather protector. Currently eagerly awaiting for my size to be in stock so I can use my sweet ass discount and cop them!

The Air Max 1's in the ACG inspired colourway is pretty epic looking shoe. The Air Max 1s will forever be my favourite Nike shoe, and I am really feeling the purple/orange typically seen in Nike ACG's trainers. As usual, another release for men! Hold tight for the drop in Jan 2011, because they may be avalible for purchase in sizes smaller than a UK 6!


Blanca1018♥ said...

Cute sneakers!
Very unique outfit you put together.


LIKLE P said...

Yer feeling the muzk n content. O and her we are again you've hyped me about another shoe! When those Blazers come in your shop I'll be there!! porn movies sex videos hd porno video