Monday, 22 February 2010

Photobooth Is Still Fun If You Are Not A Mac Convert

I am sure looking at pictures of our random mugs on a Sunday night is not the most exciting thing to do, but it is something to do if you're not doing anything exciting at this moment. ;-D.

I do love the Photobooth app on the Mac, I think I love using it more because I don't own a Mac. Team PC fo' life. It is a hella lot of fun though. But, let's be honest here, we all love Photobooth because we love to look at pictures of ourseleves, and of oursleves perfecting a pose.  Oh, and the simplicity of taking a million and one pictures until we find a goodie is pretty helpful in the process too. Vanity is a bitch. 

Photobooth, at the very least, keeps my friends and I busy for the the best part of 20 minutes.

I am here with Sarah, Laura, and Melbournese Kayta. Stalk them on twitter Sarah_Young , Loraliscious, and KaytaHackman. And then tell Stephie-Pie and I (SuperNoodleRach) what's good via Twitter (find us, follow us)

Jam to this, just let it sooth your soul  - "Honey Dove" by Lee Fields:

Then chill to this, "What Your Want" by Lupe Fiasco:

And to complete your night, Sleep to this, relax to this, "Beautiful Crazy" by Space Riders:


Anonymous said...

Wahhhh my HEAD!

Haha @ your tags.


Sugar and Spice said...

but im about ready to cross to the other side and get a mac for myself porn movies sex videos hd porno video