Sunday, 14 February 2010


I posted this image before back in September, but it just seems appropriate to re-post for this day of lluuurrrvvvveee. Not a huge fan of Valentine's Day to be honest, it is overly corny for my liking especially if the activities of the day mean going to a restaurant with other loved up couples. Overkill.

This time last year I wrote about the release and the struggle I went through to get the Nike x Liberty dunks. Wow, I really wrote a lot for that post. Click the link above to have a flick through. They were my Valentine's Day present to myself! Ha. It is a big shame the two brands didn't come together again for this Valentines!

Anyway, to all you singletons who say "F Love", go on with your bad self. And for all you Lovers out there, do your thang. Happy Valentines day guys, and Happy Chinese New Year :-). porn movies sex videos hd porno video