Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Brit Award Recovery/Things I Have Cooked Recently

OMG today I had to cover last nights Brits (find my stuff here if you so wish) and I feel like I need a straight drink now. Cropping pictures of Lady Gaga dressed as a wedding cake has driven me slightly manic. I'd write about it more but I just can't take it.

Damn you Gaga.

Instead of having a drink I'll calm myself down with food.

Steak Pie

This is what the filling looks like after 2 hours on the stove and a small bottle of wine.

It's not the neatest thing I've ever made, but I'm going to say its rustic.

Apple Pie... a bit neater but maybe needed to make stiffer pastry.

Obviously I didn't make Fluff...
BUT I did make rice krispie squares using it, and they tun out all marshmallow-y and delicious. Just melt chocolate, butter and the fluff in a pan, and then add the rice krispies and put in the fridge. SO easy, Totally do it.

Lemon Tart...
Which I ate with Marscapone - YUM. And finally.... meringues:
Which I made with the leftover egg whites from my Lemon Tart and ate with whipped cream whilst watching Glee (which is AMAZING WATCHITWATCHIT).

In answer to your wonderings: Yes, I am now the size of a house.


Insurance Telemarketing said...

AHHH. Were people NOT trying to eat Lady Gaga all day dressed in that?! *shudder*

On to meat pie. YUM.

Thanks!! ^-^

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WHERE does one buy Marshmellow fluff in the Greater London area?I've never heard of it.

Stephie-Pie said...

You can get it from shops that import american stuff, like Cyber Candy ( in Covent Garden, and there's a shop in Dulwich in SE London which is where I got this! Googling might help too. X

Rachie-Pie said...

please tell me you didnt eat all that!!!

Stephie-Pie said...

I think you that know I did. Yesterday I made Rocky Road :)

A the Great said...

All that food looks delish! I hope you have some lemon tart left :) lol porn movies sex videos hd porno video