Monday, 25 January 2010

A Series of Boobs Nails and Jewels

Friday night, Serious about Street Dance at the Indig02, inside what was previously known as The Millennium Dome (what a fad!). The ladies got together to support our girl Jodie dance her feet away on stage and boy did she do her thang! This was the last opportunity for us to see her perform in London before she relocates to Cold, Cold Glasgow :-(. Following her dreams, chasing the cold to grab this awesome opportunity, be it without dance, friends or family! Go getter. She'll be back soon enough, just the start of her journey. We'll miss you bitch!

Miss Rinnie of Sugar Wild (a thumblr of male models, hot photographs, sneakers and her own photographs: what more do you need?) took some sick pictures from the night. I especially love the ones which feature ladies chest, nails and jewels. The ladies: myself, my sister, and Kara of Hood and Proper. Gold Galore. I adore.

Hotness, Miss Rinnie, this is le shiz! She should defiantly take more pictures like these, but good luck trying to find people with more gold than us three ;-D! The beautiful lady behind the lens:

And just because these are pretty, more pictures from the night:


A the Great said...

I live for you guy's bling! Have you ever thought about getting a custon two finger ring done?

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