Thursday, 14 January 2010

Become Mars Blackmon: Marsify!

"ITS GOTS TO BE THE SSHHhhhooooeeesss!" *and no, I have not put on that much weight over the Christmas period..its a body template

Become Mars Blackmon with this app on the Nike website, it is so funny!! I especially love the picture above bahahahahah.
This app, which you can also get for the iPhone, has been launched alongside the release of the latest Jordan Spiz'ike, "Fresh Since 1985". Might I add, these are FIRE. AND YES, THEY ARE MINE ( the post at the moment, thanks to my friend Ms. Orangina who kindly ordered them online for me) I love them, the detailing from the left and right lace locks: one says 'Mars', the other 'Mike', the "Do You Know?" printed inner lining and "Fresh Since 1985" tag line printed on the insole (which I know for a fact will annoyingly fade with wear..) I am so excited to get mine, the smallest size we had in store was a men's UK 6, which were mahhooosssiiivveee, so glad Ms. Orangina found them online in kiddies size for moi! (excuse the poor Blackberry quality photograph)

Oh, and check out this new Nike iPhone app which was released today. It is called "True City - Make the Hidden Visible". A app which gives you the low down on all the latest Nike happenings, best places to shop Nike, "Nike Worthy" places to eat/chill/hang out/etc and also countdown on hype product releases, not to mention the ability to share all this with the rest of the Nike community! One for all you die-hard Nikeheads out there no doubt. Nike sure knows how to create hype and hysteria, whilst keeping all there lovers and friends happy and on their toes. LOOKS AWESOME, makes me want a Iphone just so I can have this app. Currently only European cities are available to view on the True City app, but I am sure other cities across the world, especially ones in the US, will be up soon! Check out this promo video for True City, sucker for a cool video much?!

I have to say, this is similar to a paper-map which I got in the Mercer street Nike Sportswear store, New York. Obviously, this app is a hella more advanced, but it has the same concept of showing, via symbols, the best places to shop Nike/eat Nike Style/chill Nike Style/etc in Manhattan. I LIVED BY THAT MAP back in February '09. I hit EVERY (shopping) spot on that map. I still have it till this day, and will use it again. Gahhhh..I WANT THIS APP so bad. I want to see it in action!


Jennifer said...

I got them as well! ^^

wamp wamp said...

WHERE can I get those black Blazers you have on??!

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