Sunday, 13 December 2009

Sasha Fierce, The Legend

The Rings, not Beyonce (as Fierce as she is)...

sasha fierce ring

Ignore the fearful 'Claw' pose please. How hot is my new Sasha Fierce style ring?! From H&M too for only £3.99, how I love good ol' Hennes. The double finger 'Legend' ring is from ASOS, just in case!

I took Melbournese Kayta on a London shopping tour the other day, which was full of freebies, Tube hopping all over London, and £4 Marc by Marc Jacobs bags!!! (OK, so the bags are like plain patent black..but still..!) We drank overpriced Starbucks (Eggnog Lattes are the bomb), snacked on hot Cinnamon doughnuts and ate Bento's at my favourite Japanese restaurant, Misato. All in all, this trip made us very satisfied females for the day!


horse head

Currently, typing this whilst my sister is painting my nails -opting for half yellow/black zebra and blue, oh, and trying out my new Essie 'Matte About You' which turns glossy nails matte!!!- so this post is a tricky one, hence the lack of words! I also have 3 hours to tidy my mess of a room, pack AND get ready for my work Christmas party! I am effed. Wish me luck! Paris tomorrow, so excited!!!!


everybodyfallingdown said...

i've got this clock in silver!!

Carrie Parango said...

i love ur style
where do u come from ?

Strutt said...

omg, which hennes was this? I did a post on this ring, but I haven't seen it in store yet.

Melbournese Kayta said...

My photography skills are phenomenal.

rachy said...

OMG!!! I tried that ring on the other day...and they never had my size....hmmmm lucky one!!

Izzy "Elizabeth" Eliza said...

I want that ring so bad, but the nearest H&M to my uni is like 30 miles away. Can't belieive it's so cheap as well, when I first saw it I thought it was gonna be at least £8(ok, I know that isn't that expensive, but I'm a student and I'm poor)

an jaeden said...

i digg the jewelry)

Anonymous said...

lovely, i haven't stopped by in a while (maybe cause i see everything on facebook) but that one ring is insane! i love it

Carrie Parango said...

i wanna see u in pariiiiiiiiis! send me a mail honey

[email protected]


Ringa Dinga Boing Boing said...

i'm a huge fan of rings! and i lovw your collection...
hope we can exchange links..
in fact i already added u..

Bloodlinefresh said...

on another note.. loves that watch!! i think i've seen it on the UO site?

gem fatale said...

Great post, love the h&m ring, must buy one!

Diana V. said...

i love that ring purrrr beauty! porn movies sex videos hd porno video