Friday, 4 December 2009

Paris, Melbourne, London

The bitches, not the cities yo!

Paris, Melbourne, London

Kayta of Musings of a Mad Women, and fellow M.I.S.S. intern, is in London Town baby!! Coming all the way from Melbourne (20 something hour flight...nutssss!) Kayta is now living in London for the next 8 months! Exciting much? My Frenchie friend and I took this fly Auzzy bitch out and about to some party in East London, where I vaguely recall introducing her to everyone by saying "This is Kayta...SHE'S FROM AUSTRALIA!!!" if it was a far away planet...sigh, sorry dude. Anyway, no doubt you will be seeing a lot more of Kaytay-tay on this blog in the adventures of the Parisian, the Melournese (?!) and this BBC (British Born Chinese BAHAHAHAHH!)

Parisians and us

laura and i

kayta and i

^^No, that is not piss/pee/wee wee, its Vodka and Red Bull! And WOW..I never knew I loved posing with my hand on my hips so much...^^

This week we got a new uniform at work which is for the Nike (RED) "Lace Up, Save Lives" fight against AIDS campaign. Go to your nearest Nike store and buy some red laces to support the cause, they are £4 a pack but all profits go to charity (minus the cost of production)! By the way....CHECK OUT MY GUNS!!! I see muscle definition, proud moments guys, proud moments.

Lace up save lives

On a final note, how much do I love Cheryl Cole's new song 3 Words (Dammit! I can't find a video to embed...just click the link)?!?! I never ever thought I would be a fan of any of her songs, but this is an absolute killer tune! Loves it. Cheryl Cole, you hot bitch.


D. said...

love u dudes muchooooo!

lipstick cherry said...

love ur sweater! ur so cute!! lol

Martha said...

You're tights are hot!!

Kayta said...

Melbournese?!?! AHAHAHAH

sandraaa_xo said...

i love your jumper & tights! where are the tights from cz they are seriosly hot :D

rio tapatio said...

hahaha awh look at that gaggle of fine, freshhhhh ass females.!

I'm jealous. you two need some americans up in the mix.! :)

cough cough d& I

Noshabelle said...

Loev your tights! Long time no see
How are you doing? :)

GabriellaDK said...

You guys are adorable! I hope one day we can all meet in the same city!!

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