Saturday, 24 October 2009

Gold Silver Silver Gold

mixed metals

(Mix of Topshop, Marc Jacobs, Asos, River Island, Miss Selfridges and of course, H&M)

How do you feel about wearing mixed metals? There is an old wives tale (or maybe its just a Chinese thing) that says you should not wear gold and silver together because "it is not good", meaning it brings a bad aura. Meh. I'm quite superstitious, and I do not appear to be having the best of luck for the last few days...can I really blame it on the jewellery I am wearing? Then again, none of my jewellery is actually real gold, or real silver, but merely coloured metals, so maybe this old saying need not apply here? My friend once told me to stop being so superstitious because bad things happen to everyone and not just to bad people, and this is the same as good things. Believing something as silly as stepping on three drains or getting doo-dooed on by a bird (neither of which relate back to good or bad luck in reality) to change something from happening is just stupid, "Its pure coincidence", he said. Whether I believe him or not, I still remember those stupid words. Oh, and yeah with the whole jewellery thing, I found a way to bypass the "badness" coming to me by telling myself it is OK if I wear gold on one hand and arm, and silver on the others. Don't judge me. And, no, I do not look like a crazy gypsy lady...nor do I look like a Chinese women trying to sell jewels for "goott priceee".

I am totally digging this Vamp-duster 2 finger ring. Mighttyyy fine! Before anyone comments and say "I love your ring!", its not mine yet. But, you can get yours at Verameat (for $110...why why why). Oh, its so hot.

vamp duster

And, off the subject of rings. Two of my favourite tracks at the moment. Both of which are by Drum and Bass/Dubstep duo Chase and Status:

End Credits feat. Plan B

Heartbeat Remix by Nneka (This remix is tooo siccckkk!)


everybodyfallingdown said...

el anillo de la foto .. (L) mucho !!

un besote !!

Anonymous said...

i want the Vampire ring tooo! :(

M said...

aw damn my expensive taste, i want that ring too =)

Mimilainna said...

love two finger rings, been looking around for the perfect pair for me and have yet to find it

Coco Pine said...

oh wooow, I love nneka and the remix was just a-mah-ziing! loves it!

oh zexy hands 'R-pie' zexy hands! xxxx


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Faridah said...

I couldn't agree more with your friend. If you're always superstitious you end up living life to cautiously and done live it to its fullest which is thrills and all. I say mix them!

Noshabelle said...

WOW, want the vampire ring!
And the rest of your rings :)

AMIT said...

Hey its a cool ring.

Beauty Blog

Hell Fucking Yeah! said...

love those rings! I wanna have the vampire ring! porn movies sex videos hd porno video