Monday, 12 October 2009

Dot to Dot and Crop Top

dot to dot and crop top

I love my polka dot shirt (even if it does look like part of some scrubs from the hospital), and these kick-ass "jeggings" from hennes are going to be glued to my legs this winter. Love them. I have discovered a bunch of Tumblr blogs and have spent ages and ages looking at pretty pictures on them. A lot of the time images are repeated through various tumblrs but it is still easy to the eye, which is why I am so addicted to them at the moment. The cleaner looking the thumblr blog is, the more likely one is going to view it, its a change from the usual Blogger blogs! Something fresh eh?

I am having a hard time dealing with the lack of student finance now that university has finished. Because, typical me, I am still spending like I have student loans etc. It sucks ass man. With the expiration of student loans, comes the riddance of student travel discount (30%) and be-gone sweet student discount (10%) in my beloved high street stores such as Topshop, BikBok, Aldo and the like. My NUS card expired in August, but believe you me, I am still using it and acting as if I didn't know it has expired/"waiting for my new one to come". Lame? Kind of (especially if you get busted), but that 10% makes a difference between whether an item is coming home with me or not. Student discount also applies in cinemas - its a steep jump for my pockets to go from paying £4 to £7 for a movie ticket smh. Next step, I have to find my cheaply made university student ID and do some DIY to some how rid of the expiry date, then purchase some sticky-back plastic to mend it all back together. Yay, I have a mission to complete.

I pretty much got student discount on most of these toys, unless they were given to me as a present :-)


Hello Kitty (and Dopey) says howdy to all the bitches and gangsters out there:

hello kitt howdy

Just to let y'all know I am still writing for M.I.S.S. so head over there and check it out! My latest write up is for Prince Peter's SS10 collection, click it and comment yo!

Last picture and words for the day: A picture from June whilst I was in New York. In our little dingy room in Manhatten, which housed four of us - with tonnes of shopping - for two weeks. The times we would rather spend our money on stuff to buy rather than food to eat (think one big bag of chips/crisps -which we got for free, thanks to the Female Sneaker Fiend BBQ! -for breakfast between four of us during the last few days). How I would go through that all again just to be a dingy NY hostel room:

A picture one of us took on the trip. Unedited. Perfect moment, perfect photo. Ameteur photography at its best. Central Park:


Kb said...

Haha I get those student card excuses all the time at work, now I know the truth! I guess I'll be cobbling together a student card when mine expires in 2 years time. Love the jeggings; you must share the tumblr blogs sometime, the site confuses me.

Kay ♥ said...

I wish my student id gave me more discounts in MORE places.... ugh!

I need to buy some warm jeggings as well ;p

come back to NY!!!

Rebecca said...

ooo good photos, hello kitty xxx
hope your well x

Coco Pine said...

Aw bubba I feel you, I don't have student finance on my case but the frigging inland revnue! wants to take my newly acquired 'cash monies' ha ha, annnywho I love love love, seriously love that central park pic. who took it??!! write back ho!!! :P xx

Nathalie Snip said...

i have the amazing t-shirt toooo


Cool leggings!

Diana V. said...

i love your style its something ill!!! porn movies sex videos hd porno video