Friday, 11 September 2009

You Pink Mynx

Whatever possessed H&M to sell a hot pink faux fur jacket? Surely, fun and good old jokes with the buddies was the thing in mind when deciding to actually sell this hot pink mess...just like me and Ms. Hood and Proper did...yes hoochie mamas indeed...



If you do see someone able to work this, and I am sure someone will, take a picture and holla 'atcha girl! I want to know who :-D

As much as H&M will forever be my number 1 high street store, I do wonder...why did the visual merchandise people team this hat:


...with a variety of faux fur jackets in an array of brown shades and leopard prints on the mannequins....

So Stephie pie, Ms. Hood and Proper and I was lured into the basement at Selfridges by a smiley model in a tank top. Don't worry, the basement only held the spanking new Guerilla ice cream installation by "The Icecreamists", and not more male models. Dammit. The Icecreamist is basically a ice cream boutique selling vice and daring flavoured ice creams, amongst other frozen goods. Note the word boutique. Which means it is overly expensive. Which basically means we did not try, nor buy any. Sigh. Maybe they will have a ice cream sale or something. However, we did stumble upon another much cooler, and FREE, installation. By to lauch their new website. For the whole of this month, right outside the Topshop concession, there is a photobooth where you can take FREE photos and record a 30 second video about whatever you want! It is very fun, and more fun because it does not require you to unzip your bag, riffle through your bag, take out your purse, unzip your purse, and finally use required piece of plastic or paper with the queens head on it. Basically, its free. Have I emphasied that enough? Good. Here are our photographs, I love this machine, it makes our skin flawless! So this is how we would look if we were professionally touched up...photoshopped not by humans you filthy bastards ;-) :

fashion air 3

fashion air 2

fashion air1

Oh, and we got free pink champagne truffles. YUM & FREE.

There is also a quick Q&A with yours truly on my fellow M.I.S.S. intern Isis's Tumblr bloggy, GiGi! Check it out. Click on my taster quote from the Q&A to get your eyeballs excercising (read)...


Skye said...

0oo0o00 gorjuz picss u girls all look soo cute

Kb said...

Am so doing this today!

Harry McKinley said...

Gee Whizz, when H&M get it wrong they get it WRONG!

Noshabelle said...

Cute pics of all of you:)
Love the faux fur hat! So cute!

Frock Around the Clock said...

That looks so fun! I think everything should be free - it would make life so much easier. And I think H&M have lost the plot a bit haha.. I really hope I see someone wearing the jacket, whether they manage to make it look acceptable or not. Also please can you tell me some good places to go to in New York? I'm going on Wednesday and need some help! :) x

MalibuMara said...
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MalibuMara said...

i love your nails
and h&m has its moments...

your blog is adorable
i followed BTW :)

Kay said...

rachie my love!! remind me to put you on my daily cup of tea list so ic an come here often! lol

Faridah said...

hahahaha, I love that hoochie mumma jacket. I'd totally rock that if I was cool enough. porn movies sex videos hd porno video