Saturday, 29 August 2009

The Only Time Smoking is Cool... when you smoke through fake lips painted on the side of your face

smoking lips

I really don't think smoking is actually cool, but this picture is pretty hot. Ima man up and say I stole this photo of Harley's blog - Growth by Test Tube, check her out!!

Currently, I can not stop listening to Drake ft Nipsey Hussle - Killer. I really do not want to seem like I am jumping on Drake's train, like everyone else...but this is one sick song! When I really, really like a track, I rinse it to death and will only listen to this one song. And, me having a crap memory will not remember any worth wile lyrics, so will only repeat certain words/random lines which really makes no sense to anyone outside of my head. Dude, it is that out of tune. With this song..its "Ima motherf?!*ing Killer, Killer, Killer", so I do look and sound like an absolute psycho when this song pops in my head (and I sing it aloud) when I am out and about. Really is not a good look...


......JADE*ILLeen said...

that pic is hooottt

harley. said...

haha thanks for the shout out love[s?]<3
your blog is super cool-waii .

Winnie said...

Wow that picture is awesome!! I'm off to check out her blog!

Anonymous said...

Oooh that's awesome. must say im a sucker for smoking photos! lol. I have to wait a year for my tattoo which sucks but im thinking about going with that! What tats do you have alreayd?

NIC-KIA said...

love that picture!
i been thinkin of rockin my hair like that!

Mary said...

sick pic :)

btw. just checked out the vid in your previous post!
so cute! haha.


cody said...

that pic is so cool!
xx cody

Ally said...

Nice picture ^^

Emy Augustus said...

yeahhh that pic be awesome. u could achieve the same effect but more kid friendly/good role model-y by using a lollipop maybe? or... a pen. haha

i like her fobbish shirt.
just in case u aren't familiar w/ s. cali slang - fob = fresh off the boat and refers to teens and young adults who recently immigrated to the US from some place in asia.

Simpli-c-t said...

i love your blog...x

buy viagra said...

Cute picture, that is a good way to smokers, making them look like idiots.

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