Monday, 17 August 2009

Let me be that Gap Denim Jacket wearing 10 year old Kid again

floral denim jacket

I am a huge fan of floral printed denim, I already have three skirts. I need to add this to my growing accumlation of denim jackets (I just bought my 4th...). I am sure I will be way more smiley and happy in this amazing piece of denim, more so than this somber looking Urban Outfitters model. This jacket reminds me of the early 90s denim that the likes of Gap Kids used to make, the good old days where my 'rents used to dress me up so trendily that they didn't even realise. Damn, I wish I still had that would have been a perfect cropped jacket for me aged *1 day* to 21!! Pah well, when I get paid, I will hop to *overpriced* Urban Outfitters and COP! It sucks that it is 55 whole pounds! That's a lot of cash monies for my cheap ass, considering I only ever shop there during final reduction periods, which have resulted in bad experiences with the Urban Outfitters staff, who obviously do not like serving me when I buy hoards of clothes, all of which are £4.99 and under (I got a Smack dress/under bodywear for £4.99, yes, Susie Bubble rocked it in Oct 2008...but I got it a hella lot cheaper!!) Anyway, I suppose...its OK to splash out once in a while, or should I wait until the sale?...get your Urban Outfitters Ditsy Floral Denim Jacket here, and maybe add two to your basket and send one my way ;-)!

On the subject of '90s fashion. I saw a chick on the tube with the sickest pair of Suade loafers on, EVER. I couldn't stop the point where I had to give up my seat for a closer inspection and quickly quiz sick-loafers-chick on her choice of shoes. At first glance I thought they were vintage late '90s Gucci loafers, the type of shoes a lot of FOB (fresh of the boat) men like to don. After quick convosation, she informs me she bought the loafers from a store called Shipton in Fulham, who basically deals with the finest in British and Italian made Granny and Grandad type shoes! The fact that they look like obvious fake Gucci loafers makes me want them more. They are tacky beyond belief, I'm talking about the blatent red and gren stripped band right across the shoe. I couldn't find the actual shoe the chick had on, but here they are in leather form:

I am aware, the ITALLIAN leather, fake Gucci banded loafer looks uber ugly, but imagine it in black suade...with a GOLD cross bar...just trust me, they are H-O-T..take for example this purple suade loafer...

Pretty smooth, no? Totally rockable. I may need to make a trip to Shipton and see what the sale section is saying, these badass FOB loafers are £85 a pair!

Just heard this on TV, I loved this song so so much when I first heard it so many years ago, don't you just love hearing tracks you forgot about? Kelis - Stick Up:


Stephie-Pie said...

How weird is that!? I've been researching Kelis for an hour now!

Winnie said...

Wowww I love that denim jacket! I remember the 10yr old me who used to wear leggings with smiley daisies on them or bright yellow ones covered in hello kitty. If only I still had them!

Btw...those tights are so easy to get hold of, they're from topshop! They're awesome :)

Lilee said...

awesome jacket!

Tyrael said...

£85 for them pimp shoes, put me down for a pair, get it for my next bday B!

AMIT said...

Excellent Denim Jacket.It really suits you much more.

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Bang Bang said...

That denim jacket is so cute...My eyes went to the side with the loafers...My mom use to wear them and I thought they were so hideous lol

Kb said...

I wish I hadn't given my denim jacket away, my New Look number would've been perfect. I'd quite like some loafers too, preferably from Marc by Marc Jacobs, but most likely Topshop. porn movies sex videos hd porno video