Friday, 10 July 2009

Graduation Outfits: 60-40

This post should really be called "My Attempt at Looking Remotely Smart...and Remotely Presentable...and Remotely Lady-like"


As you can tell, this is not my usual get sir! BUT it is my graduation!!! Yes people, this chick is a soon to be graduate with a 2: 1 BA Honors! Oh yeaaaahhhh. That's me :-D.

In 10 hours, it will be my graduation ceremony and I am still torn 40% and 60% between outfits 1 and outfit 4! I got Stephie-Pie round mine today to help me choose and she too was torn! I am 60% going with the trouser set....But I do love the dress in number 4!! Decisions sucks guys. They suck!

These are the reasonings for why the outfits got a yay or a nay:

Outfit 1-Its smart...elegent...and I can walk in these shoes (unlike the other beauties I bought...which BTW I am still keeping..for future use...) No one else is as likely to wear trousers. Its grey and cream... so it will not blend in with the hideous black vampire gown/rented robe and hat.

Outfit 2- The structured, BE-YON-CEEEE hips on this skirt will not show under said vampire gown which totally defeats the purpose of this BE-YON-CCEEE hips style skirt (you can't really see the shape of the skirt too well in the picture though) It will just look like a simple high waisted skirt = blah!

Outfit 3- A tad "I Borrowed the same outfit my mum wore to graduation" (which i secretly love...) Stephie says: YOU'RE NOT WEARING MESH TO GRADUATION.

Outfit 4- I had to wear an extra skirt..because it is super thigh skimming...and a hoochie going to graduation with lots of gold jewellery and patent heels to get her 2: 1 scroll thing is not a good look! But with the extra looks sooo good!! I love the dress :-( its a shame that its will get lost inside the vampire gown...I will look too Goth. But it is pretty....

I do know..I will be wearing my 80s, tribal-ish gold triangle necklace and earring set (NY flea market $20 oh yeaahhhh!) even though Stephie hates it, and also my aptly named "Coming to America" belt (NY market $10 oh yyyeaaahhhh!) which someone also told me it resembles something out of The Power Rangers...

Anyway, I'm torn between outfits. I shall sleep on it. Wish me luck...fingers cross I do not do something super fall over....


Coco Pine said...

i like 1 and 4!! jewllery keeps it all within ur signature style!! good luck homothug!! xx

Van. said...

i love 4, your beauty =)

Laura said...

i like how you wore the same pieces but switched them up and looked cute all four days!

rio tapatio said...

go with numbero 1. wayyyy original, per your norm, and like you said, whos gonna be wearing pants at your graduation?! <3

Zoella. said...

I love 4! :) xxx

LANA said...

I like outfit number 1 :D! looks good on you.

Yinka said...

OOOOOH #4 I LIKE!!!! but yeah its wuld look drowned out in da 'vampire' gowns,lol!!! unless u put a massive bright belt, gold/ or otherwise!!! but u looked hot anyways!! :)

Deezie said...

wow ,thoes
are all reealy
great outfits.ilove
your sense of fashion
its soo classy and fun.

selinaoolala said...

ooo i think 2 haha! and congrats on your degree!!!!!! well done that's amazing!! have a great graduation

Anonymous said...

love seeing you in heels mama. =]

brandi said...

Your blog is really nicee. I like it alot.
I am following you, please return the favor.


Anonymous said...

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