Sunday, 24 May 2009

Work work work work work. And work.

Again, I ask the baffling question; how on Earth do people manage to work and still have time (and energy)to do other stuff?? Actually I am managing quite well, but I don't have free time to do nothing anymore. Literally nothing, like sit on the sofa (which is my favourate thing to do btw).

But it is relieving to actually have a job-like thing to do, instead of sitting around worrying about The Future (shudder). Plus its quite fun at CQ (and Shoewawa, and Kiss and Makeup, and The Bag Lady). One of the best things about magazines is that PRs send you stuff, and by stuff I mean food! The other day we got glittery brownies! So cool.

Thankfully I haven't made any mega-errors so far, like I did here (God, that was horrible). Plus, I'm getting bylines too which is always good (See here, here, here, here, here and here for a few! Please feel free to comment. Also, it's my birthday in two weeks so if anyone feels like buying me those gold boots, please do).

I might be writing a feature on fashion blogging, and it made me wonder...why do you guys like to blog? Is it to get a foot in the door, or just to share your random thoughts and stuff? I'm interested.

Oh, and I was watching Little Boots on TV the other day and I noticed she was wearing a Manjit Deu dress! You remember I interviewed him? I love it when nice people succeed.

Now I have to go because even though I'd like to hang around in my house all day, I'm going out tonight. Mostly because I want to wear the blue playsuit thing I bought ages ago. Wow, how superficial. Ah well.

Have a good bank holiday!


Tuotierugif >^..^<© said...

I know what you mean about work and managing time, it def takes hard work lol. hmmmmm I like to blog because when I'm upset I can let it out but don't have to risk offending someone (friends or family) lol. Those glittery brownies sound good ;)

stephyy said...

awee work I know how you feel girly, wells I like to blog bc well I basically write w.e the hell I want :) lol and bc I like to write :)

rio tapatio said...

You are getting those bylinessssssss.! That's what I call grindin. Keep up the good work.
I blog because I like to share my thoughts and figure out where like-minded people are at. Plus c'mon, man is a sucker for free expression, and isn't a blog a key way to do that? :)

Ally said...

I totally understand you , when i go to the uni and i worked at the same time, i feel like days werent enough longer lol

your bday is one week before mine x)

Kandace said...

Wow it sounds like you're really busy which is super tough. But it also seems like your doing really cool stuff with your life, which is amazing.

As for why I blog. I blog to be able to meet like minded people who adore fashion as much as I do. People who understand the appeal of crop tops and harem pants, which many regular people don't get. I blog because being vegan I think I have a unique view that needs to be heard and a blog is a great way to share my opinion and influence people. I also began my blog as a way to get my foot in the door (which door I don't know) and besides that I'm an English major, I love writing, and it's just plain fun :)

Winnie said...

I blog purely because it's fun and sharing ideas and thoughts with people who think alike. Much like most bloggers to be fair. I think that the really successful bloggers out there always start out this way and some are just lucky and manage to get a career out of it.

yiqin; said...

Same. I thoguht of the same thing too! I had my internship that time & boy, after 6.30 PM I just had no mood to do anything else!


hey ma' just found ur blog i love it i wanna comment on every posts but my hands wont let me lol!!! ur amazing i had to become a fallower!!kiss checkout my blog when u gat time!!

lipstick cherry said...

i tagged you for the "The Adorable Blog Award" =)

Frock Around the Clock said...

Glittery brownies sound AMAZING! I want some immediately. And juggling work and everything else is hard - work makes me too tired to do anything else! x

gd said...

i'm working at the magazine too, yes i love goodie bags, and foods, and freebies ahahaha
anyway, i blog because there's alota things goin on in my freaking busy mind.

I follow ur cool blog, maybe you can follow mine too. apreciate that!

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