Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Frame by Frame

frame by frames

My sister made these glasses for her 'Specs' project in university out of film slides she 'borrowed' from her work place (she works in a camera store - typical artsy student types eh!). They are black and white with a futuristic, geometric feel to them, way better than those pesky Alain Mikli 'Kanye' shutter shades! Totally unwearable though, as her teacher broke it whilst in the mist of sneakily trying them on! But they are pretty darn cool, no?? At bloody 3 am after a very long day she tells me I must 'model' them for her portfolio. I was not a willing participant, but considering she took the pictures at 3am, in 15 minutes, in my dining room -with a little splash of Photoshop- the results are very good, don't you think? [Photo number 7 is my favourite...I like to salute you bitches! AND number 6: totally my new picture face]

Today I had to do a quick H&M dash to change my bikini bottoms: why do they make them so small?!?! I think it is very unnecessary for bum cheeks to be hanging out on the beach, we do not need to be subjected to the glare of dirty men thank you very much. I thought my Minnie Mouse bikini (I'm sure they are not made to attract 20 year old's haha!) would have sold out and I would be stuck with a pair of bottoms that might as well be a thong, but luckily they still had more, whoop! I got a UK size 14 bikini bottom, which is 3 sizes bigger than I normally wear, so that tells you how bloody small they are. If I could, I would have got an even bigger size just so the material across my bum actually covers my whole bum, KMT! This is what I wore anyway:

pink bomber

These are my latest offerings from M.I.S.S., I hope you guys are visiting and commenting you know! If you show some love it will be much appreciated (and you can comment a lot on my posts so they become the most popular ;-) com' on! Do it for me....)

OPI collab with Paige Denim article:

OBEY Summer 'o9 drop article:

Click it, Comment it!

Next post will be very picture heavy ;-)


KB said...

Love the pics! Never would have guessed they were taken after a long, tiring day. Very quirky. I love the colours in that MISS post, especially the blue, can't wait to paint my nails once all this work is over (knitting breaks nails).

Emy Augustus said...

Holy crap those pictures and glasses look awesome!
Tell your sister to check out ' takeoffyourclothes.etsy.com' and go to the accessories section!

musikseven/Kara Sudoku-Mishap said...

woooo!work the jacket!im gona rinse mine even more wen i get my friggin clothes back from campus! i ws gna post my outfit wiv da jacket but im savin it for our nxt outing haha
and kylie is a lil warhol aint she! she got skills!

BetseyJ said...

love your leopard dress!

Anonymous said...

Sisters specs are SICK! I love the photos.

Kay said...

heyyboo! loove ur outfits as always.... will you be coming to ny this summer?

&& those specs are hot!

stephyy said...

ahh can't wait to buy me more OPI nail polish lol the bright pair or w.e its called looks awesome to have!!

roxanne said...

i am coveting that pink and gray bomber soooooo hardcore right now

rio tapatio said...

I love love love love the picture of you in the classes,, no lie. you are so damn cute.!

Ima go check your articles on MISS out,, and those nikes are hella fly too.

:) <3

LANA said...

Those specs are crazy, and you look cool in those pictures! I first thought it was Mary-Kate, don't ask me why haha!

And love your outfit!

Harlowe-Marie's Mama said...

Your sister's glasses are super cute! &Cute photoshoot as well. (:

Anonymous said...

I love the pink jacket....where is it from????

Anonymous said...

i love those pictures of you with the glasses! your sis is talented!

rachy said...

love the photos with the glasses.they look amazing!!u go girl..tell ur sis i mite need them for an up and coming photoshoot!!

Tuotierugif >^..^<© said...

Those glasses are so cool, if your sis decides to make more and sell them i'll be first in line ;)

LIKLE P said...

Your gonna love me

when u c what i got on my feet RIGHT now

email me

[email protected]

Anonymous said...

oh and when are you coming to ny? i think im going to canada around june 25th

Becca Joy said...

Awesome pics, the glasses were so cool to look at, very interesting.

Winnie said...

Ooooh your sister's project look so good. Even if you weren't keen on modelling them it looks like you still managed to have some fun!

Love the outfit! I've never bought H&M swimwear so I've taken note of the obscenely sized bikinis for future reference!

Noshabelle said...

Great pics!! Love those glasses!

Kandace said...

I love the glasses your sister made. And the pics totally remind me of the edie sedgwick ones. Very fun! And no worries, I will def be checking you out on Miss :)

yiqin; said...

Your shoes kick ass! Pllus the first set of photos are really awesome!

Jantine said...

Love your outfits, love the combinations! xxxx

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