Wednesday, 8 April 2009

I Roll With Minnie Mouse & Badtz Maru

Haven't blogged for a while! I know I said I wouldn't due to masses and forever growing uni work....but that still hasn't made me do any more work, so I though I may as well do a teeny update. I suck, but I have no-one to blame but myself. My M.I.S.S. internship is also on a short hiatus right about now :-( due to uni work, 3 more weeks then I will be a free bird! M.I.S.S. can send me all the assignments they wish!

Yesterday was my dear friend Jaja's 21st, so obviously I had to stop being a social recluse for a minute to celebrate with her. As per usual we went Nando's! I swear, it don't matter if its 18th, 21st or 85th birthday - everyone goes Nandos to celebrate everything! Good 'authentic Portuguese' food (my boyfriend's favourite any excuse to eat there!) - Peri spiced Chicken (mango&lime flavour is the one!), rice, Peri spiced chips and bottomless fizzy - and a good price...although they are steadily upping it by 30p/40p each time KMT!! If you ever come to London, YOU HAVE TO GO TO NANDOS!!

Our little secondary school crew (all 4 of us!) all chipped in and got Jaja a leopard print clutch, Mickey Mouse frame and a DKNY watch! I put the tiny watch in a HUGE cardboard box and weighed it down with some uni text books (YEP I PUT THEM TO USE ;-D!), then put two helium balloons within it also, so when she opened the box they would float into the air. It failed. Due to her small car and the huge box, we had to maneuver the box in another position, so the books squashed the balloon strings and prevented it from floating skywards!! BUT she did get overly excited at the surprise of her 'big' present LMFAO! Perfect! At least part of the plan worked. She loved all her presents anyway (or so I think...!?) and we headed to a Karaoke bar in China Town after to meet up with the rest of her friends, who gave her a lot of holiday money - the lucky bean!!

This is what I wore, she better appreciate the fact I ditched my kicks for her KMT! These are daytime and nighttime outfits! Yes, that is a huge Badtz Maru shaped bag I rock! I love it, definitely my favourite, I got it for my 19th or 18th birthday! And my blazer in picture number 2 was only £9 in a Bershka sale. I look like a bean in both pictures:

The Asian sensation chicks! My girls! Birthday girl is on the left, next will be Vash's, on the right, 21st birthday and then it will be mine!!

Ballin' day and night!

Daniel also took this picture of me, which I likey! (show his blog some love guys!)

Stay posted guys! Be patient, as soon as I have even a minute free to blog I will :-D! Thanks for the comments still, and howdy to all the new followers! I know I have a tonne of tags/awards to do and post, they will be done in due course sorry!!!

P.S. has anyone else noticed that the profile views counter has come to a standstill?! I am stuck on 2600 views, and I know a few other blogs are also stuck on 2600! What is up with that man?! FIX UP!


rio tapatio said...

Your dresssss is lovelyyyyy mahhh dear.! And a 2nd blog?!?!? I'll be reading that one too.! :)

Tuotierugif >^..^<© said...

I love the day and night outfits, you look HAWT in both! That was a cool gift to get your friend, I like when people surprise me too lol ;)

Kayta said...

Oh my I love Nando's. There is one right next to my work which is both a good and a bad thing.

LOVE the outfits!

Samantha.Daivika said...

hot dress

stephyy said...

yoo badtz maru is the shit!!! I love him!

sandraaa_xo said...

i love the night outfit!
and i LOVE how you kmt'd haha. nando's is goood and yess everyone celebrates their birthday there!

Anonymous said...

aww you look so pretty! but i love that you still have on your door knocker earrings!

Frock Around the Clock said...

I love those pink shoes! Amazing colour! Sounds like you had a fun night :) x

p.s. I just check my counter and it is stuck too!

Melody.Darlene said...

awwwe mamas ur fits are super cute! sorry it took so long for me to get back to you but better late then never! :)

Cas Ruffin said...

I used to love Badtz Maru. I had a Badtz Maru organizer when I was a kid. He was basically the most manly San Rio character. Good luck with your M.I.S.S. stuff. They're good friends and we love them.

Winnie said...

Oooh I love Nandos. It's decently priced and everybody loves Chicken lol.

Love that Badtz Maru bag, Rachie...I want it so bad! So cute, will have to get my dad to peruse the Sanrio shop when he hits HK at the end of the month!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I love the style! :)

Yuka said...

love your mickey mouse outfit! so cute!

Coco Pine said...

miss thang!!
yes heres the love (I was quickly trailing thru ur vast posts to get 2 steph's as was talking to her) but dude where did u get that blue dress?? its the sex!!

Coco Pine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ja said...

i appreciate bitch. Now you can get back to your uni work.

LIKLE P said...

Im on the case for the Agassi air Tech's
my friend owns an import trainer store
what shoe size are you
i have him on the case

Emy Augustus said...

haha i know. weirdness. they scared me the first time i saw one eating an eggshell. thought it was gonna die or get cut on the inside.

and noo the gift card was only for that one day! grrrrrrr

you are looking very snazzy! and lol good attempt with the gift giving tho. I thought bean was slang for spanish people? meh. maybe it's diff in england or i'm just misinformed.

Wendy said...

That pink heart ring is rad!

fhen said...

your dress is so nice dear :) and the badtz maru is too cute

got an award for you please check it out


Ellie said...

I've never been to Nando's but will put it on my list of places to hit when I go to London in a few months. Love the bag - Very cute.

Noshabelle said...

Love your outfits!! And I love your hair, it's always great!

Haha, I have noticed too, darling. I am stuck on 2000.. Stupid blogger dude. :P


Anonymous said...

in response to your other comment -no it wasnt but they did have a lot of really fugly old stock!but still..i was happy:))
NANDOS is awesome!i love much ..i want it right now
and you look so nice in the night outfit,and the present sounds Amahzink.x

KB said...

Ah Nandos, do u have their loyalty card? I have almost qualified for my free 1/2 a chicken! I saw those Primark leggings, but am worried everyone will have them. Did buy a plain black pair to cut holes into though.

Pixienish said...

Great outfits. That shade of blue is perfect :)

Rebecca said...

you look amazing in these, i love it, and glad your back blogging again, ive missed the posts,
also glad that im not the only one with the profile view thing, i tried googling it too xxxx

Christine said...

that floral skirt is awesome. oh i was goin thru your old posts... and i saw u got shoe of the day at 21 mercer. i work there in the iD studio.. hahah i guess i wasn't there when you came in!

♥KiMMiE said...

Seems like everyone is turning 21 soon, i know so many people 21st bday coming up.. i have to have wait 1 more year.. sucks! Does the UK have the same drinking age as the US? haha

Ohh and u inspired me to get some Minnie/Mickey mouse tops.. but can't find any cute one like urs!!

♥KiMMiE said...

oh woww. mang i wish i could go shopping with u! lol

there from hot topic btw ;)

Alice X said...

i LOOOOOVE the two outfits! love

Ringa Dinga Boing Boing said...

Once again.

I looove how you work those sneakers with wonderfull dresses.
It's just soo NOT-A-BOY-NOT-A-GIRL,which is my prefference.
And the leopard thingy, me love toooo... :D


Frock Around the Clock said...

Yep! It's really contagious so my advice would be to stay away from anyone who has it!! x

Aan said...

nice blog... keep blogging

Kandace said...

Love your day/night outfits. I need to do a post like that I've been thinking about it for awhile. But anyway once again you knock me away in both pics but you especially get me with the day time look. Once again I love the tennis shoes. I'm not sure when I'm gonna be in London yet. I'm trying to work that out with a friend right now. But whatever happens I will def try Nando's (if they have anything vegan). Plantains, rice & beans, lettuce & pico de gallo maybe? Haha you can so tell I'm hungry. But anyway I went to Brazil and that was what I ate everyday but I miss it. So I need to travel again and I will def let you know when anything is finalized.

La Couturier said...

I love that blue dress!

La C.

henry_houdini said...

yeah big u up for being in north finchley hollywood bowl. brings memories!

Martha said...

i love your blue dress.
oh and google reader is kinda like bloglovin it justs lets your follow all the rss feeds. Or something like that lol

India said...

yeah I got it!! is so nice haha if you see the cali pics im wearing it. yeah I like yours nails I will try them short

Anonymous said...

can you dress me up one day? HAHA

I.M.O.W and The City said...

most of all i love ur BAG..
its a pretty cool bag i would say..!:p

Naylaah said...

luuuv your dress, nails, everything on this post

Leia said...

Love love love your nails!

Ally said...

love your style!

im not so much on Bratz maru but your bag is cute ^^

Meg and Komie said...

Both outfits are that blue color, it totally pops on you. But super duper loving the nails, heart ring, star tat and watch!!!

BTW We had to manually install our own counter to our blog bc ours was stuck at the same number for much longer than we could

The Crew said...

cutteeee, make sure you pass through our nail salon in hackney when its open xx porn movies sex videos hd porno video