Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Want to Play a Game?

I have so much to do/say and so little time. Cliche? Yes, but it is oh so true! After this post, NEW YORK POST WILL BE DONE, Pinky promise ^_^!

First up, SHOPPING BABY! I love Retro Gurl's (of Nitro: licious), "H&M Luv" posts! These are such good, easy and fun read + the fact that I adore H&M makes it even better. She regularly posts all her recent H&M purchases, which I like to have a good nosey look at and compare with my goods! In honour of Retro Gurl, here is my recent buys:

Half this loot is most definitely H&M, from the Divided Camden Store which I love! I love all the H&M labels, but Trend and Divided is the most wearable for me. I got all the jewellery/accessories, purple zip dress, navy zip leggings and ditsy floral plimsolls yesterday after a very long time (week and half) being deprived of the wonders of Hennes. I love the giant, satin, pastel pink bow which is a hair clip - so cute! I also got a pair of gold hoops; although they are a bit thin for my liking, the floating hearts sold it to me, a pair of SMALL (boo!) orange triangle shaped earrings with cracked gold details (!) and those hearts are clip-on for your shoes!! How sweet?! and only £1.25!

The panelled grey and black with silver exposed zip dress is from PRIMARK! For £12.75 (VAT cut baby!)! I find that body con dresses are 90% of the time very flattering for myself, and the sides grey colour block also emphasises curves and waistline, which I don't really have. This was bound to happen - Primarks's very own Herve Leger inspired bandage dress! I wish I snapped a picture now! Ergg I am so over the Herve Bandage Bodycon - every chick and their sister owns one, be it the real deal or a high street copy! Don't get me wrong, it is a nice dress but I wish it wasn't so over played. I was tempted by the Primark version though, A. Because of the price tag and B. Because of the coral orangey colour. But the fact that most of the teenage girls in London will be on it like Sonic put me right off.

Zips. A unintentional shopping theme, and I only just noticed the vast amount of exposed zip pieces I got yesterday..sigh. See how easy it is to buy into a trend? The blue, diagonal side zip, jersey tee dress is Miss Selfridge along with the hot pink Jersey dress. I love the blue piece because it is versatile enough to have the item fitted or loose/baggy when worn - I like it in between ;-). And the pink dress was bought just because it is a nice colour, a basic, I love stretch cotton jersey dresses and because I had £8 left from the exchange I was doing.

6 Products I Could not Live Without:

I should have really cropped my picture...pah well! Zoella recently done this post and tagged whoever could be bovered to do it (moi!). Anyone who knows me well will tell you that about 4 years ago I was the most anti make-up chick EVER! Fast forward to now, and I can honestly tell you that I can't leave the house without make-up on. Its sad yes, but whatever I am not ashamed - I just wished I discovered it earlier! I do not do eyeshadow or pretty fancy make-up, although I love reading about it! I am more of a basic necessity make up wearer, hence my selection of six above.

1) MAC FACE AND BODY FOUNDATION: Don't worry I don't use this on my body! I would be so pissed about the transfer on clothes! I used colour C4 and I love this foundation. The colour is perfect for my tone and it has a very light texture which is not thick and gloppy like many on the market. This allows for a more 'natural' coverage and almost appears like I am wearing nothing (well, I hope so anyway). The lightness, almost water-like silkiness doesn't make me look like a dried out cake face (like many make-up counter women...). After a long day, it can turn quite greasy but I just think it is because of my skin type. Overall it covers my flaws just enough and the 125ml bottle lasts me 6+ months!

2) COVER GIRL'S LASHBLAST LUXE: After reading a post on drug store mascara's on DTY, I went with the recommendation of this mascara which I got in NY. It has a weird wand - its fat and looks like a caterpillar! But it actually does the job so its AOK, the colour is a very dark black with tiny speckles of sparkles in it, that reflect the light! I don't look like a disco queen during the day if that's what you think! Its a good price too but sadly its not available in London, so when I go NY next I will stock up!

3) DOVE SUMMER GLOW: For a all year round tan ;-). This is the shizz! Plus its a good moisturiser too! It doesn't smell like most gradual tan products and it does not make my face look tooo yellow or orange. However, I only use it as a day moisturiser so if you use it day and night it could be a different result. I can't rate this product enough! The only bad thing is, a bottle doesn't last long and like most tanning moisturisers, it leaves my hands a funny colour :-(. However, I think I have about a years supply of this stuff as my one of my besties got them free and gave them to me...I dread the day I will have to pay £6.99...

4) VASELINE: Use twice a day - morning and before bed - and my lips are never chapped. END!

5) RIMMEL FACE POWDER: Yes, my ass is cheap and I cover MAC with Rimmel lol! I use 005 Silky Beige just on top of the MAC, just to set it all. Its not the best compact but it does the job and lasts JUST long enough, colour is good and so is the price! I will upgrade one day.

6) RIMMEL BLUSH: Cheapo brand again! I use 001 Santa Rose, but sometimes opt for the bronze-y colour during summertime. I've used this since day dot and no complaints really! Good pigmentation so the colour is perfect. Goes on well, you don't look overly rosy-cheeked! However, it does not really 'stick' and its wipes off too easily!

Bag Lady:

Kay from Stitched
tagged me to do a bag post!

1. Post a picture of the bag, purse, handbag, pocketbook [whatever you call it] that you are carrying. Now, don't you even think about going back there to your closet and getting your very favorite one or that cute little vintage clutch that you carried the last time you went out...I want to see the purse that you carried today:

2. Tell us how much it cost. Oh my, I know what you are thinking - a proper lady would never discuss matters of money, darling. Well, yes, but today we are gonna break that rule and tell. Yes, tell how much it cost. We won't judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. And if there is a story that goes along with this purse, tell it.

Well it was £10 from Urban Outfitters in the sale, down from £32! I was going to buy it for full price as well haha!! BUT it did go down to £4.99 in the further sale :-(! No story really, its huge enough for Uni and it hides all recent purchases from certain people who moan that I shop to much. It is also pretty and colourful!

3. Now I just added this: Show the contents! (just because I always wanted too...sad...)

L-R, Top to Bottom
: Loo roll - for my runny ill nose, 2 pairs of gloves - Err...I didn't realise I had 2 in one bag! Pink is H&M, the other is U.O, Glasses - My red Givenchy specs because I am sooo short sighted!, Mini Warhol Purse - Got this with my Andy Warhol for MoMA bag! Its too cute and its a soup can shape!, Refresher Wipe - free at T.G.I Fridays, just in case my hands gets dirty!, 2009 Diary - The mickey diary I always moan about because it is so mash up now!, Uni Notebook - small but thick and cute from Paperchase, CD - got given this yet to listen..., Big Red - The best gum EVER sadly unavailable in the UK, Hello Kitty purse - cute enough?!, Astral Cream, Anti Knife crime band and bus pass case, 2 pens - in the best colours, Hand Sanitizer - because London is a germ bag, Ipod - in cute Pucca case, Uni ID, Nike Badges - POS from work, Chocolate Bar Shaped Mirror - because I am that bad ass..., Terrtag case - to hold small things that can get lost and finally 2 H&M scarfs - again I did not realise I had 2!!

Now I tag whoever can be bovered to do this, and also the 6 products one!! Let me know if you do I want to read it!!

Mickey and I:


Anonymous said...

lol,post was awesome!
LOVE YOUR BUYS!and that herve ledger primark dress-who knew?
the high street buys cant really do the same trick as the original dress takes 3 days to make!without control underwear:)
still,it is very overated and celebritys actually kept on wearing!still,it makes you look pretty:)

Martha said...

I have the purple dress in black!
its a steal at £10

sandraaa_xo said...

it's so weird that looking at your pictures i knew were most of these were from!
i was gonna get that grey primark dress today actually but i totally forgot about it!
I saw the bandage dress, i did not like the orange at all...
and i know what you mean about everyone wearing it.
i never find good buys in the camden h&m! I thought it would be good to have one so close to me, but I always find myself trekking to o street to go to h&m.
the contents of your bag is so colourful! i can't believe you carry around a whole loo roll though!


stephyy said...

omg Divided is my fav from H&M <3 I love your style girrlll ^_^

KB said...

Cool buys, I bought a zipper skirt from h&m. I love those body-con dresses, but don't think they'd suit me...might try the zipper h&m dress though. £10 sounds good to me, though I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to limit my high street addiction.

Kay said...

I was considering getting the Miss. Selfridge dress in black or white!! They have gone exposed zip crazy lately.
Also I cannot believe the bodycon dress is from Primark, I hate it for all the ethical reasons but I always like their stuff eughh.
Good bargain on the bag as well, I think you may be beating me on that front. I haven't found anything good in sales lately ):

Noshabelle said...

I love this post! You have a cool style, like it a lot!!


Joezehh said...

i love your outfit!
nice buys :)
all the girls where i live are too scared to try out the body-con thing,
even the slags wear those wierd dresses that poof out then go back in again at your thighs,
i try to tell them, "it's not flattering",
i like the bandage dress but i wouldnt know when to wear it, hahaha!
i'd probably try to pass it off as daywear, its very pretty :)
x x x x x x

Kay said...

i think i might do the tag.....lol

anyway thanks for sharing, i`m so nosey when it comes to ppls stuff lmao

i cant stress how much i love the way u dress

sandraaa_xo said...

lol yeahh the basics are meant to last you a long time therfore saving you money/more money to spend :P
i was only thinking of it as in if you went on like a shopping trip :)

Rebecca said...

good post, i love your jumper so muchxxxxx

selinaoolala said...

i have that mac foundation and find it goes a bit greasy after the day!! i thought it was just me, i love the coverage but might try a different product next time! am loving this blog at the moment, very detailed but random and funny AND fashionable posts all the the same time- plus you have your own style- a bonus in the blog world right now!

D. said...

hellloooo sunshine! miss is awesome and i'm happy you found me!!!!

we should keep in touch on facebook or something!

love love LOVE ur blog!

Danz said...

Great buys - loving all the exposed zippers! Also really like the Mickey mouse sweater, so cute!

Winnie said...

I loved this post. I noticed the zip theme in your buys right away! The H&M divided in Camden is amazing, all the best things in my opinion!

Also, Yeah Neurotica, it's the same girl! Seems like shes done well for herself!

Georgie said said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog... What you keep in your bag is adorable! I love it all.
And that salmon coloured vest/dress! Where did you get it from? I need one of those in my life asap!

Frock Around the Clock said...

Those pink hearts are SO cute!! I enjoyed this post a lot.. lots of nice things to admire! I've added you onto my (so far quite little because I've only just made it) favourites list too. I really should be getting ready to go out.. oh well! :) x

Zoella. said...

Omgosh. I saw the exact same jumper, and thought "hmm, i know its in the mens section...but i would frickin love that as a jumper dress"...im so gutted i didnt buy it. Think i'll have to go back and swipe this one up x

Trendy Gourmandise said...

nice buy !

FashionSqueah! said...

Sea and I went shopping yesterday and I swear I so nearly bought both the H&M zip dress and the zip dress (/top on my tall self!) but in black! I can't believe that balck and greay dress in Primark, I need a trip there soon! Char x

viva la mixed girl . said...

shoes & gold = love .

Coco Pine said...

face and body is the one!!

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