Thursday, 12 March 2009

Mighty Morphing Tagging Time

The title is dedicated to the Almighty Power Rangers. I recently read that they are going to stop making the TV shows because of the lack of demand nowadays! As crap as the newer Power Rangers TV shows are, it is only fair that this generation of kids are given the opportunity to grow up with the Rangers!! They obviously do not think it is crap, like us, the original 90s Power Ranger fans!! Who remembers the day when you would get up at 7am sharp, just so you wouldn't miss any episodes of the monsters and robots Vs. the Power Rangers?! Ahh, the good carefree days when all that was important was Barbies, Power Rangers, Moomins and Pokemon!

Anyway! More tags!! The unofficial tag: Zoella tagged all who was willing to do the "4th picture in the 4th album and explain":

BLAH! This is not the greatest picture! Dam, I wanted a really funny one! So this was taken in two-double 0-six (2006!) which seems like a long long time ago! It was a random bowling trip with my besties in Hollywood Bowl, Finchley. At a time when we would regularly reside here for much fun and games...sighh, now we are all too busy with university and life, meaning we only get to see each other once a month :-(, but at least we have a lot to catch up on ^_^!! So me aged 17/18...and looking like a total dweeb!! I look pretty bad compared to many of the 17/18 year old out there now! I look innocent, I guess the youth of today has lost some of the innocence which they should possess at that age? My hair was short and shiny, now its long and always greasy! Grrr! I look much thinner than I am now lol, and my skin looks so fresh, clean and bloody hell, TANNED! I have not had such sun kissed skin since then, my skin just does not attract the sun no more which sucks!

Another tag was by Katrina of Bizzare! She thinks my blog Rocks, thanks dude!
The rules are:
1.When you receive this award, show that you're happy to the giver.
2.Nominate at least 5 blogs, that you think rocks.
3.Let them know about award in their post.
4.Continue being happy

I can't nominate just 5 blogs! I have discovered some rocking blogs lately and it is way over 5! Plus, I always end up nominating the same blogs. This time, any blog I comment on means I read what you write and also think that your blog rocks! My way of nominating, save this picture and post it on your blog homies!!

This is what I wore today, 2/3 years after the picture above was taken :-(! As much as I dislike American Apparel, I had to get the now very overplayed initial tee! Blah. I did get it for Christmas though! I love things with my name or my initials on it, if I could, I would wear all my name necklaces, this tee and my initial ring at the same time because bitched need to know my name *kidding!*! At £15, I think it is rather cheap for AA, no? Oh and my staple summer skirt (for now any way)! The Apple Green Rose Denim Skirt. That's my official name for this piece I got at Beacon's Closet in Brooklyn! I love it. If I allowed myself to wear shoes in the house, you would have seen the kicks! But no can do because NO SHOES IN THE HOUSE...EVER! It is dirty yo!

And I recently wrote a post on MISS about the recently released Hellz Bellz SS09 "Culture Clash" collection, check it out here!


KB said...

Ah cute outfit, I want one of those tees too, but of course I shall wait until I get it at U.S prices. I think you must secretely like AA... Does this mean that I can steal that blog award?? Lol, haven't had an official one yet. Also some friends from my course found my blog, has this ever happened to you???

Charmaine said...

cuuuute skirt! i'm actually attempting to make my own version of it! hehe... we'll see how that goes.

kandace said...

That outfit is so perfect. I love the texture of the skirt mixed with the belt. and the black ties it all together. well done :) I just wanna know what shoes you would have worn with it? Usually I would only see heels or flats but you rock sneakers like none other. So many possibilities.

Jazzle Dazzle said...

wow I love your skirt. delightful blog, thanks for the comments on mine :)xx

Zoella. said...

Ooo i really like that t shirt! I might have to go into american apparel. Do they do all letters? From experience with keyrings etc..."Z" is never there :( haha x

Georgie said said...

I love anything with my name or initials on it also. I have been wanting to get that AA t-shirt with my initial on it forever but the NEVER have my size, big let down :-( I have about 4 necklaces with my name on, one belt buckle, various t-shirts. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with seeing my name!

Anonymous said...

nice outfit.
and I love your little bag collection at the back


Yvonne said...

haha yes. who was ur favorite ranger??? i remember in 3rd or 4th grade my fav was the yellow ranger.. cuz she was asian. lol. there wasn't much to choose from cuz in the original there were only 2 girls and being that age, i felt like i could only pick a girl to be my fav. that is a very cool apple green skirt by the way. i need to go to beacon's again soon.

KB said...

Lol I remember I saw the Power Rangers movie with my bro back in the day, when we actually had something in common, good times. Thanks for the official award, I shall pop it up soon.
100 hits a day is great, I've got Feedjit on my blog, you'd be surprised at how some people find your blog and how far flung they are. It's funny how I'm comfortable with someone in Brazil reading, but not really someone who lives a few streets away. Lol I worry about all the vain-ness too, it's something I try to keep well hidden. They haven't really said anything yet, but I will just carry on going, as I need some way of expressing my love for tights etc.
Now there's an essay for you! I'm off to Paris for a few days, so I'll catch up on ur blog when I get back!

Anonymous said...

ahh no you look cute in the picture!

Carsi said...

ha, it's funny you mentioned Power Rangers cuz I recently confessed to my best friend about writing a detailed description of the 1st episode in my Barbie journal (pink pages with purple lines) with detailed illustrations of Zordon and all 5 rangers. I'm such a nerd :-P

India said...

I know I have like 2 nameplates lol
but I wanna know where u got urs I like how small it is..

Rebecca said...

i love power rangers, as if there not making it, i always woke up early, me and my brothers loved it
definatly take your byofriend to see marley and me, he will cry x
my friend whos a guy HE CRIED xxxxx

ღ Mey ♥¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨♥ღ said...

you really have style!!! lovely blog, sweet... great choices ;)

Winnie said...

I love those AA shirts, I bought one for my sister but unfortunately Ww is not popular enough for them to sell! Haha, Yes no shoes in the house rule applies to me too.

Nina (femme rationale) said...

such a cute skirt. and i love hellz bellz!

EternalJade said...

I love your tee. You have a uniquely fabulous sense of style, so colorful and retro.

Tuotierugif >^..^<© said...

I'm so happy about them finally killing off power rangers! I was so tired of seeing the crapy show it became :( lol cute look ;)

Lisanne said...

great blog! and i'm following it :)
cute outfit

Frank & Rémy said...

Very cute outfit!Look so cute!

Enep said...

lovely skirt!

xo ;3

ღ Mey ♥¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨♥ღ said...

your blog is really cute... i was looking the othe rphotos.. you are so funyy :0

Noshabelle said...

I love the pics, specially your outfit in the last pic. It's so cool! You have an amazing style, which I adore btw.

It's only couple of days until GG begins again! I can't wait!! I want some more Mother Chucker! Haha, lol! x

Noshabelle said...

SV: And my answere to your question:
Yes, I think Jessica looks different. There is something that makes her look .. well different. Maybe GG uglyfys her. Haha, that would be something. But I don't like her at all, just her style.

PS! Did I get an award? ;-)

Ezra said...

i like it

Yinka said...

awww, dat pic of you bowling looks like a young fresh Rach!!

Anonymous said...

I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

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