Thursday, 19 March 2009

Enough Already?

Say hello to my new "wardrobe"....

Yes, Tigger is wearing a sequin beanie hat. The above picture is not a mess before you have a heart attack, it is actually my new NEATLY, tidied invisible wardrobe, by which I mean: I HAVE NO MORE SPACE in any existing storage compartments. So know my clothes have to reside here: on top of my desk space/chair, and the make up table stool opposite, which you can't really notice anyway as my clothes have managed to build a bridge between the two (its where the quilted lilac and white cover is, by the way!). Not only has it taken over these spaces, but many items are hanging off wardrobe doors AND the bed frame. This is no joke, and it is quite scary. Judging by the first picture, it looks like a mad women's wardrobe! My choice in colours and prints actually look nuts when they are altogether like that...all those colours and prints does make my eyes feel sore, and is it me, or does it seem to all blend together?!

I tried to filter through my clothes, to try and give/sell some, but this only turned into a "Ooo I forgot I had this/this is hot!/I must rework this into my summers wardrobe" ect session. I don't know how I got this way. Whilst tidying and folding, I felt like I was suffocating! I actually felt kind of depressed that I let myself get this way, I have no one to blame but myself. It reminded me of a conversation a classmate and I had on the bus once. He told me he only had one set of clothes and that any more was unnecessary. This truly shocked me to the core and to me, this was unbelievable. Then he asked if I could only live with one set what would I choose? I could not actually answer that. Could you choose?? (Answers in the comments please...enlighten me!)

These are my two fully packed wardrobes, might I add, I SHARE WITH THE SISTER :-D:

Example of hanging from bed frame goods, this does not look like much, but I have hung multiple items on one hanger to make more space. I cannot wait for the day when I start going nuts to try and find something, only for it to be hidden under layers and layers, doh...:

Its not that clothes depress me, its just the thought of "Where the frigg am I going to put this all!!" that does! Knowing me, as much as I tell myself "NO bitch NO!", more will be added to this collection and no doubt, come winter time, the clothes mountain (and clothes bridge!) would have grown...along with my collection of other items....WHAT! I'm a hoarder, have you not guessed?

But, generally, I am a mutha chucker happy chick, just don't preach about my materialistic ways ya hear! ^_^ (at work):

Reflection over.

University: SUCKS. I am a loser when it comes to my University work. A loser I tell you.


danDan said...

ohhhh girl... wow... seriously... I have 5 items of clothing that i rotate... lolololo

Nina (femme rationale) said...

no way...i could never choose. you're talking to the girl who archives and stores her clothes. almost all vintage so i convince myslef they're worth holding onto. haha

Noshabelle said...

I know how you feel, darling! I have no more space at my wardrobe. It's not funny, I want more space. Haha!

*angelface* I love GG, you know. He he, but i am going to post new things, I just need to find the right stuff! x

KB said...

Wow that's mental. Half of my clothes are at home and half at uni, so i never really know the true extent until the end of the year, I think I have 15 pairs of jeans though, lots of stripy things too... My drawers are filled to the brim, there was once a system but that's long gone. Definitely couldn't choose one look, I like too much!

C a t r i n a said...

oh god, never seen anything like that.
But on the other hand, you're very lucky:)
And i'm a bit jellous too, amazing taste of fashion you have!:)

Laroux said...

You can never have too many clothes - besides clothes make the best ornaments! I love your bag wall too.


Rai said...

rotflmao. I have the same problem.
Got bags and shoes and purses all over my desk and old computer area. =[

It's not looking like yours though.

Emy Augustus said...

my room is REALLY messy and it's mostly all clothes. It's not folded neatly though. hehe

Emy Augustus said...

and that is so cool you had a pair of chickens! I don't know, it just might be an asian thing haha. i think it is also an old people thing. is beckham and becky a spicegirl ref? haha cuz i remember one of the spice girls went out with the soccer player.

and ewww can't believe there were foxes in the city. r u sure it was foxes and not raccoons???

Awesome Randomness said...

wow and I thought I had a lot of clothes! LOL you have awesome style though...if you want to give clothes away....I am right here lmao...I will pay for shipping

Olya said...

You are pretty hysterical. I have issue too, but I live with my bf and him and my mom make me throw stuff out while limiting my "clothes space". Either way, this post was really cute.

I'm shopping around for a new pair of sneakers - since you're an expert in that area, do you know of anywhere I can buy a decently cheap pair?


India said...

and I think I buy too much shit lol you broke the record

Winnie said...

Haha, I was wondering what I was looking at. I can understand though, mine is packed to the brim but still a little space for a few things here and there.

Having a spring clean is so hard though, I have a box at the bottom of my wardrobe of things I haven't worn for ages and can't bear to throw away. About once a year, I transfer these to charity if I haven't touched them again...only for the box to be filled up again! A vicious circle I tell you!

chloe said...

my eagle eyes have spotted that we own the same tee! the grey leopard/animal print in the left-hand side of the first pic (above the bin?) - from peacocks i believe? i loves it :)

FashionSqueah! said...

I totally feel you on the wardrobe issue! I have a wardrobe and clothes rail whihc are overflowing, drawers and stuff and still there's stuff everywhere! I'm a teeny bit looking forward to moving back to my Mum's after uni 'cause I'll have more space there! But yeah, nothing makes you feel more oddly dressed than your super girly chiffon and bows all piled up with bright patterns and other random stuff! Char x

sandraaa_xo said...

hahaha your room is a pretty eye sore!
i could choose one outfit if i had to. but seeing as i don't i find that unblievable that the guy would willingly not buy clothes!

Delmy said...

OH WOW!!! My jaw dropped

Thanks for the comment!

「 ℒady ℐehanné.ℋ 」 said...

Thank you for your comment! Yes that is one weird ex-friend I had, haaa! & No no, your blog isn't plain it's gorgeous! I love the lace & leopard print look ;) Love the clothes & all xox

DaisyChain said...

Hey girl, thanks for the comment, loving your blog x

rachy said...

RACH, you need help!! that is nuts!!! I think its time for a clear out or you have to cut dwn on buying!!! because when u go nyc in june your gonna get so much more!!!

ting RN said...

lol! i am just like u... i go in2 my room and i'm like.... wtf i have no room . clothes in my closet, drawer, baskets. shoes pulled up n flowing our of my closet lol! I couldnt choose. I tried to give some away 2 my family in philipines, but most of the stuff i would say "ill wear this with these shoes one day!...."

Frock Around the Clock said...

My clothes space at uni is full to the brim and I still have all my summer stuff at home which is in two wardrobes and are both full too.. it's a nightmare but I can never let go of stuff either even though my mum tries to make me all the time! Just keep it all and pile it high! :) x

The Stiletto Effect said...

wow too many clothes and accessories :D Lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

lols,id love to have toomany clothes that they burst two wardrobes
and tips for selling and getting rid of things???just try and sell all of the ones you dont wear anymore no matter how exspensive they were!and the crap you cant flog just give might earn some money for a new dress!hehe...x

Yinka said...

Surely u kno dis is not necessity, but OBSSESSION!!! cum on now! and da joke is ur always shoppin like u aint got nothin!!

Kandace said...

I feel exactly the same way I have so many clothes! it's ridiculous. I'm seriously in need of shopping rehab. Luckily (for now)I have a huge closet so I just reorganized it and did a giveaway for my friends and roommates (they were totally stoked). Just look at what you have and what you haven't worn in forever. The thing I realized is when you have a ton of clothes a lot of them aren't getting any use. So you might as well give them to friends that will love and adore them and wear them a ton.

TML <3 said...

Wow! You have a loooot of clothes! Hehe. I had a problem like that for a while ago, I had to get a real system, because my clothes were taking over my sofa! :P

Cool header by the way!

Meg and Komie said...

Holy hinges, when we were reading this post we felt as if we had written it ourselves or someone had written it about us...Ummm yeah we SUPER feel you. And to answer the question, hell to the freaking no would we be able to EVER sad and possibly pathetic as that may seem. That guy's story reminds us of the one our father tells us time and time again about himself...LOL. porn movies sex videos hd porno video