Saturday, 28 March 2009

A Day's Worth of Wasted Make-Up

This post was supposed be called "This Is What I Look Like When I Don't Care" because I took this Saturday off work to give me more time to do assignments and yet, I had to still go to my staff meeting. At 6pm. In the wet and cold. Put on my make-up for a 30 minute meeting. I was beyond annoyed! And to top it off? As soon as I was about to step out my door, I got a phone call informing me that I didn't have to attend this stupid meeting. An utter waste of a day's worth of make up. I think I wouldn't be as annoyed if I was actually at the meeting. GRRrrrrr!! I've lost my essay drive as well!! This is what I WAS SUPPOSED TO WEAR:

I will wear this again tomorrow when I go to work no doubt! Minus the glasses, I don't think my area can handle them. I am real glad I got these specs when I was in NY, I had my doubts but at $4.95 you can't really go wrong! The fourth "put your four fingers in the air to look like a dweeb" picture was my poor attempt of showing off my new nails. Its the same as before but I change the colours to yellow, grey and a magenta shade of purple/pink. I'm not feeling it as much as before :-(

I love M.I.S.S.!! I am super excited because they are going to be redesigning the website and all the interns will be on the contributors page! YAYYY!! We had to write a little bio and send in a head shot picture, so hopefully mine is as good as the others! I hope I don't sound like a total nutter!

My latest pieces also! "UK Tour: Lady Luck Really Does Rule, OK!" -Click the link to have a read. It is for all the UK people! Lady Luck Rules is having a UK tour throughout the summer which includes Jumble Sales, DIY events and vintage sales! Definitely try and check it out if they are in your area, click the link for the down low!

I also wrote my first accessory piece for contemporary jewellery brand Luminary! Read about her latest S/S 09 collection here!

In other news: I BOOKED MY CELEBRATION, FINISHING UNIVERSITY, PAT ON MY OWN BACK trip to PORTUGAL! I'm going with my girls from university in May, 2 weeks after (hopefully) successfully completing all our university assignments. Now all I need is to find a good, waterproof mascara - one which works - so that I do not look like a drowned rat in a tan-kini.

Back to doing my essays now!! Well attempt to anyway...we have to make sure we deserve this trip!


Emy Augustus said...

hey i thought ur not allowed to wear shoes in the house.

and pshhh who needs makeup.

KB said...

Lol i hate it when stuff like that happens, at least they called you before you arrived. I once turned up at a friends house for a dinner party, without knowing it had been cancelled!! your articles are cool, can see you're going places. I wish I could paint my nails interesting colours, but knitting has done some awful things to mine, I've broken 4 in about a week. I need to book a holiday too, I'm thinking either interrailing, Marrakesh or Greece.

Tuotierugif >^..^<© said...

Im so jealous your graduating, I hope the next year goes by fast lol The trip to Portugal sounds like it will be amazing! I hope you have lots of good times ;)

Martha said...

good luck with your essays =]
lucky you with your portugal trip :P

Emy Augustus said...

O thank u. if it's that much i would so buy u something and mail it all the way over to england (that's where u are right?).

Kay said...

congratssss on u going to portugal boo!! that outfit is wayyy tooo cute!!!

and yeahhh im single... ;(

Kayta said...

I am about to write my bio now and ITS SO HARD. Writing about yourself is shit.. hahaha. I hope mine isn't really bad in comparison to everyone elses aswell. I love love love your shoes.

Winnie said...

Aw, sounds like an awesome trip. My pat on the back trip post uni to was to NYC. I lovvve your glasses and your style is so hot!

danDan said...

one day, we wont have to rely on these stupid PTJs (part time jobs)... kmt.

Mimi/Marleen said...

LOVEEE your glasses! So cute!

Anonymous said...

loving the glasses

DaisyChain said...

You look awesome.

I love LLROK

Noshabelle said...

Oh how I love your glasses! I want one!!

And yes, good luck with you essays! You're so lucky graduating! And I hope your trip to Portugal will be amazing!

The Stiletto Effect said...

that look remings me of Lily Allen hehe
Love the glasses and the earrings :)

yiqin; said...

Pink framed glasses?! So cool!

LANA said...

Nice outift!

Lesley said...

I dig your sweatshirt!

Anonymous said...

awww those glasses look so cute on you!

FashionSqueah! said...

I used to be a Lady Luck Rules addict, back when I loved all their neon plastic stuff! They seem to have stepped their game up recently, there's some cute stuff! I love how you always have so much gold on, but never look tacky! Char x

rachy said...

Why did u dress up to go to the meeting who was u looking to impress. Portugal one month then nyc the next month u gotta do some serious saving

Rachie-Pie said...

whos dressed up?! im in a nike hoody leggings and plimsoles!

Breezy said...

Getting all ready and dolled for something that ends up getting canceled... AHH! At least you made good use of it and took fun pics.

Tha BossMack TopSoil said...

I like tha fuck outta that pic

Laroux said...

I love LadyLuckRulesOk! Your oversized pink glasses are great too, but you're right, not exactly easy to wear outside the house!


gor(jess). said...

ahh i always love your outfits .. there very orignal ... things i dont think id be able to pull off lol ...but thats great, says a lot about you ...good things of course ! LOL

rubot said...

i loathe days like that!! poor girl...especially when it's not like you were bumming about doing nothing either, but working your butt off for class!! looking superfly as ever though...even on lazy days!!

i've tagged you in my blog...hopefully it will provide a nice distraction from schoolwork for a few minutes!!:]


Anonymous said...

i dont think it was a waste- you were able to make a post about it haha ;) you look mad cute!!

♥KiMMiE said...

can u get any cuter?!?! =]

alicojolico said...

oh man your style is great! porn movies sex videos hd porno video