Monday, 9 March 2009

Brooklyn, We go Hard

It is now 1.30am GMT, London. My parents are watching Chinese soap operas, my siblings are apparently asleep. I am supposed to be using my time resourcefully on this wonderful machine - The PC, and about to get down and gritty with my university work. Working on improving my "juggling life skills" and all that jazz that I mentioned here, but who am I kidding! It sucks! Juggling is hella hard as a circus act, so imagine useless me trying to juggle my work load; especially my university work. I don't even want to type how long I have left to do all my work, because maybe, just maybe, if I don't think/say/type about it, it won't come and it will forever stay in the future. Oh, doggy balls, I am thinking about it..SHIZEN!

So, instead of opening Microsoft Word, I have just written a ASAP due MISS piece and now this. DOH! I will do university work after, I will do university work after, I will do university work after! But this post is long overdue, as I have been back from New York for two weeks now!

On the Thursday I was in NY, I met up with Emma of All in your Innerspace to do a tad of shopping which was followed by one of the craziest parties that she kindly invited Rachy and I too! Good timing as well, especially after a nutty day Rachy and I had over a teeny-weeny bit of harassment by a dude Rachy once knew, which ended with him waiting 4 hours for her, for nothing. Oh dear!

Do not ask me what this place was, what it was called or even where it was because I do not know! All I know is it was somewhere in Brooklyn, we got lost badly and nearly ended up in the projects, oh and their was a ball pit in the place, but from my viewpoint, I could not see a bar...?! Crazy-ass chicks trying to kick me of the speakers which was my spot, and crazy-ass dudes pushing and shoving girls whilst getting hyped over the music without a care in the world. I'm from London baby, and I tried to give as good as they got! Yep, that's how nuts it was!!

I got the specs in F21, I couldn't resist the pink! I know, geeky glasses are so over done, but I DO NOT CARE because they are in a hot shade of pink! I didn't actually wear them, thank goodness because they would have broke or got lost and I would have cried:

In the first club, which was dead! But had a pretty toilet! We moved swiftly on from this place! Our outfits: yes, that is the H&M off shoulder dress and also the orange H&M vest dress with a skirt over it, and yes I was super hot...! Skirt has rose prints and is from Beacon's Closet - I have been looking for a floral printed denim skirt for forever now, this is not the dream but will do:

The dudes:

Spot number 2, this place was the crack no doubt!

Not only were balls from the pit thrown at random people (much immature fun), but so was this wonderfully heart shaped balloon:

A pit full of balls: check, A pit full of beer cans: check, A pit full of spilt beer: Check, A pit full of Rachel and Emma: check check! I did not know so much nasty crap was near the bottom, if I did, these pictures would not have happened...

The only place that was safe from the nutters, only for me to encounter the chicks that tried to shift me: NO WAY MATE!

GOOD TIMES! Speaking of the good: I watched Watchmen yesterday - that film was TOO GOOD! I loved it and highly recommend it!!! When you get the chance, check it out! And hit me back with your comments and am definitely going to try and watch it again....


stephyy said...

lol the two places I want to go this year is New York, and somewhere in Europe!! :D

rio tapatio said...

you ladies are on point! Loving your fits.

&&I saw the Watchmen too,, great plot. :)

lipstick cherry said...

cute as always =)

C a t r i n a said...

wow, these pics were really cool,
and your party outfit is stunning!:)

NIC-KIA said...

u are soooo mutha effinn beautiful!!

rachy said...

lol...i love this post..if only we had a video camera so we could have shown people what it actually was like. i didn't even notice there wasa bar either and was wondering where people were getting drinks from aswell!! the ball pit...after you was trying to tell me to go in there..not with that rubbish!! but we showed them how london does it!!

rachy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noshabelle said...

You are so cute! And your outfit is smashing stunning. Love it! Great post by the way! x

Syana said...

you have the most amazing cheekbones!! you look like pocahontas on that first pic ( and she's hot trust me...)

love your outfit xx

Anonymous said...

looks like such fun!

C a t r i n a said...

+ i have something for you , check out my blog :)

FashionSqueah! said...

Now I'm even more jealous of your NY partying! I love the geek glasses! Char x

Anonymous said...

ahhh that spot was crack, as for a bar, naaaa man we just cop 40's and liqs at a bodega before we go in!

Kay said...

It sounds crazzy!
Also who cares if geek type glasses have been done already, you really suit them (in a good way).
What are doing at uni by the way?
I saw Watchmen on Saturday! (my boyfriend is a major comic book nerd so he made me come with him to see it on the first day...) I really like it actually but the bit with the little girl;s leg...not so nice

Winnie said...

Wow, that looks like one awesome party!

MissEducation said...^^

Nai said...

Soooo cooool ^^ come on and party up (8)
I don't know why but I read your profile and I felt identificeted. Hu, maybe cause i'm a shopaholic, that's why. Hahaha. Kisses :)

Van. said...

You seem like thee upmost coolest =x

Frock Around the Clock said...

I always leave uni work til the last minute.. like today for example! I've got a little presentation to do and only 45 mins before I have to leave and I need to have a shower as well. Joy! Those glasses are so fun! :) x

yiqin; said...

OMG your glasses are way cool ;)

Noshabelle said...

I forgot to say that the glasses are AWESOME!!! I want those! He he. x

A the Great said...

I glad your visiting my hood!! lol I love everybody's outfits!!!

Yvonne said...

those pink frames look really good on you. do they have just a plain pane of glass inside or no glass?

lol my parents (esp mom) likes to watch chinese soap operas. sigh.

Yvonne said...

haha! umm well did you register for disqus 3 years ago maybe and then forget about it??? weirdddddd

musikseven/Kara Sudoku-Mishap said...

i told u that the glasses lukd gud rach!!!and i dont know how u can say u have failed wen u hav done more work than me???
im wayyyy behind in our uni work!!!im stil cryin bout it...


First, thx for ur visit and ur comment and second, love this pics are wonderfull and these outfift stuning!!

Kay said...

hmm i thought i commented on this!

anyway u look gorgeous as always! && lmao @ the ball pit haha...

yooo cant wait for summer! i yet to be in bk! maybe i`ll hit it up with u as my 1st time lol

MZ. LALA said...

you and your friends look fun :)

selinaoolala said...

omgg that sounds insane!! i have that one shoulder dress and i would never have made it look as good as yours does, omg your outfit is too fab

Coco Pine said...

omg that guys at the subway with the 'NY' hat looks JUST like 50 cent...seriously, love the pics so colourful!

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