Thursday, 19 February 2009

Sorry, I can't on Friday, I'm going to a fashion show.

With Rachel in NYC you guys must be missing her long and winding posts so I thought I'd give you something to read! I'm going somewhere very, very exciting tommorow...and also Sunday.

By the way, did you know London Fashion Week starts tommorow?

Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! I'm so excited, I get to go to two shows! But I have NO IDEA what to wear...I'm thinking, keep it simple? And maybe black, you can't go wrong with black. And heels. Eek. I'm going to go pull apart my wardrobe now! More on the shows later!


gor(jess). said...

awww ! LUCKY youu.

sandraaa_xo said...

i am SO jealous of you!
i say keep it simple, just to be safe.
unless you find something that you think would be ideal.

lizz :) said...

Ooooh lucky you! I might be going to the London Fashion Weekend, hopefullyy -fingers crossed- :D


Kay said...

How come you get to go to two shows?! So so jealous. The closest I'm going to get is London Fashion Weekend ):
Have fun (:
Also I think black is probably a good idea, you can't really go wrong but make sure it's something you feel comfortable in. said...

i am obsessed with your blog!!

Noshabelle said...

OMG! You are so LUCKY!! I am really jealous. Keep the outfit simple but cool. x


giggleness said...

so luckyy. have fun! porn movies sex videos hd porno video