Saturday, 14 February 2009

I Got My Heart Broken On Valentines Day

What Do I have here?!

My LIBERTY x NIKE DUNKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah baby, I got me some!!

What a struggle it was: I work every Saturday and started work today at 9.30am....The Liberty Nike's are released on Saturday and Liberty opened at 10am....what am I supposed to do?!I text my manager and declared my love for the Nike's and begged her to allow me to be late, just this once. Minutes later I got my text from heaven with the words, "You crack me up, yea its cool, just come work when you are done!"....YIPPPPEEEEE (This is not the horrible manager I had a urm...discussion...with by the way..) I planned to basically get there for 10..but got there at 10.40am and thank goodness they still had some left, like maybe 20-30 pairs. Apparently they had a "mad rush"...but it sure as hell looked dead when I arrived, with maybe 5 or so customers in the whole store, all of whom were in the 'Essential Room' where the Nike's resided (hardly an essential for the everyday Liberty's customer though...)

If you guys read the last post, I really really wanted the Nike Liberty Phoebe printed Blazers (the orange pair), but as you can see I opted for the Nina, Venus Leaf and Strawberry Thief Liberty print Dunks instead. I am a very indecisive person and as usual spent ages contemplating which pair to get: balancing the pros and cons - *ahem* blazer: £70, Dunks:£85 [!!], get the Blazers because I don't own that style but get the Dunks because it is a fail safe style, colours (Orange - Oo La La, Mixed Blue: Yum), SIZE (4, 4.5 or 5?!) get the picture. After this balancing game in my head, I thought "Hey why not buy both!! They are limited editions!" With the shop assistant hardly helping me make up my mind, because she was going on about the Dunks being cool and the Blazers being "geek chic"... which I did not really care for as I only wanted them because I loved them and not because I wanted to achieve some "look." So the thought of spending £155 (during the recession...) was running though my mind whilst I had a Blazer on my right foot and a Dunk on my left, but there are two reasons why this was a total no no:

1) I am going New York in less that 72 hours and shouldn't be shopping in London nor do I have that much money to spend on trainers at this moment in life. Maybe if New York wasn't happening I would be wearing the Blazers as well...but com' on now: NEW YORK, LIBERTY BLAZERS...LIBERTY BLAZERS, NEW YORK... yeah of course I would rather go New York.

2) I have never in my 20 years of life stepped into Liberty. It was always just that smallish department store I passed on the way to Carnaby Street, targeted at the more affluent shopper, with items I could never afford. I had preconceptions about the store and how all the SA's would be stuck up, and most probably look down on me, or are less likely to help me because I am not their typical customer. The SA who helped me with my shoe purchase was actually very nice to me and didn't turn her nose up or give me the once over, but I think that is because she was probably around my age group. However, not much could be said for the rest of the SA's. As I said, I have never been into Liberty, so obviously I didn't know where the Essentials floor was. Male SA saw me, did not welcome me nor did he ask if I needed help (quite obvious I did as I stared at the map for a while) and then proceeded to walk right past me. I approached male SA and asked about the Nike Liberty trainers. Male SA did not know what the hell I was talking about. How did he not know what I was talking about?!? Firstly, he was on the ground floor right by the entrance so he must have seen some sort of queue of 'the mad rush' of people outside in the earlier hours, often do they sell Nike's in Liberty? Surely most of the staff have been briefed on the launch?

I made my way upstairs and found the floral patterned gems I was searching for. Approached the nice girl SA and asked for my size blah blah, no one else paid much attention, fair do; I got the kicks on my feet, that's all that matters. Next thing you know, a rather, dare I judge once again, 'posh Caucasian girl' with her very well spoken self, comes along and boom! everyone is on it and rushing to serve her sacred feet. I have nothing against girls who are well spoken and ooze wealth through their pores - lucky them, and I wish I was a little more eloquent in my mannerisms and was as well spoken as she was. But the truth of the matter is, she made me look like a hood rat - an oriental chav, standing next to her. Me: in a pair of Nike's and leopard print body con skirt, dripping with gold, hair looking a sham due to the free 'blow dry' that the speed of the Underground Tube provides zooming past my hair-sprayed hair; against her: Pea coat style jacket, hair in a neat bun and plain jeans donning a pair of Urban Outfitter's Boutique trainers (I forget the brand name...! But they were almost £150!) see what I mean?

Said girl proceeds to tell everyone about how she was searching for the trainers for a whole year (I am sure that the first pictures or even whispers of this collab was not even released that long ago...maybe I am mistaken?), and how she was looking for them for two months straight now, and then tries and tell me about them, trying to impress me with her great kicks knowledge. I wasn't impressed and tried to throw in some facts of my own, only for her to totally dismiss them. Ok, I got the message and kept my mouth shut. It was pretty obvious she was not the usual sneakers kind of girl, and I suppose this is the kind of girl Liberty is targeting along with the usual sneaker head; she is the girl who doesn't wear trainers but Liberty's has allowed for her to give trainers a second thought through this collab. So, She paid, she left. I paid, I left.

The point of this is to really say that I did not feel entirely comfortable shopping at Liberty's. Even if I did not have such preconceptions about the store and workers, I think I would have felt the same. The way that some of the staff were pussy-footing around the other customers (and not just the girl) was ridiculous, especially as I did not get any of that service. Liberty's should know to treat ALL customers the same, especially if they are going to do a limited edition collaboration with NIKE. Nike customers are not the same as Liberty customers, and for them to do such a collab, they should expect and know the 'type' of customers they will get, and treat them as customers and not young, hood-rat, trainer wearing kids who will not buy anything. This is just how I felt about my first ever Liberty experience, I am not bitter about this one bit and was just happy that I got what I wanted in less than 15minutes. The SA asked whether I wanted a Liberty card, to which I replied "No thanks, I don't think I will be coming here again" (unless they had another hot collab).

This is the story of how my heart got broken on Valentines day, if not for money issues along with my uncomfortable experience in Liberty, I would have had the Phoebe printed Blazers with me now, sitting along the Dunks...the two halves of my heart :-(!

Apologise for another LONG-ASS rant! I am not that miserable and moany in real life...just thought I'll tell you about my experience ^-^! Now lets proceed to the Juicy Juciy:

I seriously LOVE THEM!!!!^-^!!! They are H-O-T! I know that they are not to everyone's taste, and I can only imagine the amount of stares I will get when I walk down my local high street...some comments may be: "errggg look at those", "OMFG she has curtains on her feet!", "Granny shoes hardihaha"....I will let you guys know what is said haha!

And that is my new Obama tee! woo-hoo! Its my first too and I *heart* it very much you get it?? RUN DC!! get it!!??

P.S. Went strolling around Bond Street for half an hour, from 11am onwards, looking for the YSL Manifesto '09 tote bag people to jump out at me. NO LUCK!!! AGAIN!!!! This is the second year in a row that I missed out!! I would have stayed there for longer if not for work, I was already taking the piss!Ohhhhhh...and I really really really wanted my first USB key to be a red heart shaped one with the YSL logo on it, that breaks in half. Suckage. Keep those fingers crossed for next year eh? (If they do it again...sighh *dreaming of hot kicks and heart shaped USB stick*)
*Credit to those who read this long post lol!*


rachy said...

rach u make me laugh! but those dunks are hot! and you rock them well!! so at least you didnt miss out on at least getting one pair!

maisie #1 and #2 said...

your manager sounds so nice! those shoes are crazy!

/maisie #1

Fly GurL Lai said...

those are hott !! im a nike fanatic as well .

The Clothes Horse said...

Those shoes are amazing! They'll look hot in NYC too. :)

Chester said...

Cute pics.

Those sure are sweet shoes.

Secretista said...

Oh how niceee!! Yay I'm so happy for you! The liberty dunks are too cute.

Anonymous said...

Those are pretty much the cutest sneakers I've ever seen.
Here in Alaska our fanciest store is Nordstrom, and the salesgirls are so rude to me every time I go in. They ignore me, help other customers first. Drives me crazy! The perfume girl knows me though, and you can bet every time she sees me she perks right up because she knows I'm there to spend, spend, spend!

mizsoul said...

You´re style is dope.And all the kicks you have are ill!


Rollergirl said...

Great post. Shame about your bad Liberty experience :( I went to Liberty yesterday too and had a really good sales lady (even tho I didn't buy anything) in the jeans dept. And I'm not posh! Enjoy NYC...

KB said...

Lol I wanted the manifesto least you were in the same city, I'm stuck in the Midlands. Trainers look cool though, where is your t-shirt from?

Yvonne said...

aw those shoes look good too! i like the differing floral prints.

and damn that sucks. i will keep my fingers crossed for you and me that the weather reports will be wrong.
sooo what're ur plans once u get here? there's a big thrift shop in williamsburg brooklyn called beacon's closet that u might like.

Anonymous said...


Winnie said...

Love those trainers! I think it was a great choice! It's always a wierd experience when I've popped into Liberties for some reason or another...mainly because of the amazing building it's in.

Rebecca said...

haha wha a nice manager,
im so glad you got them, they look amazingxxx

michelle said...

You are the cutest thing ever! xD And those shoes are just fantastic!! Looove :3

VNEEZY. said...

Ahh, holy shit I love your style! =]

Frock Around the Clock said...

I love them! Cute print! I've got massive feet so I look ridiculous in them haha :) x

Noshabelle said...

Aw, cute pics girl! And the shoes look amazing! x


rubot said...

i am *beyond* jealous right now!!

these shoes, they will never be mine...i am seriously considering a diy pair at this stage of my poverty-stricken-ness!!


Kay said...

1. they are actually BEAUTIFUL. i am not a big trainers person since getting out of my massive converse phase but they are absolutely... wow. i am jealous ):
2. arghh that is what i hate about some places like that. once i went into a shop called guilio that stocks miu miu, balenciaga, etc and i was wearing a rainbow striped pauls boutique hoodie. i got followed around the whole shop... it was bad.
3. that outfit is really good as well, you are quite clearly very stylish. the girl probably just had the money to buy fashion, i that makes sense.
4. that was so nice of your boss!

and yeh the black probably had something to do with it...crap. but it was the cut more i swear! the second one i like but im not as keen on the stripes you can see underneath

Anonymous said...

i would love to do a interview with you rach!

Kay said...

i think those dunks are hooot!i will be looking for them in niketown when i go to the city tomorrow :D
&& ur a size 6 in wmns?? no i dont have a ebay account.... =\ im jus selling them thru my blog buti havent posted pics yet

Frock Around the Clock said...

Woop! I think we should start a campaign to bring back bum bags!! x

Anonymous said...

what's your e-mail?

selinaoolala said...

they're luscious!!

My Fashion Frenzy said...

cuuuute !! ;)

yiqin; said...

So lucky! I have been looking for a good pair of sneakers but to no avail :(

lipstick cherry said...

lookin' good as usual

sandraaa_xo said...

they're not my style at all but you rock them so well!
you look gorgeous in your outfit.
sorry about your experience, what wankers.


Hannah Cheeto said...

Those are AWESOME! And the Obama shirt is hilarious.

Awesome Randomness said...

Love the outfit and I love your style! I need an Obama tee like that

Trendy Gourmandise said...

crazy look ! :-)

Betsey J. said...

aww yay!!
cute leopard skirt.

yoshi said...

hi there! i've checked in with my folks at nsw to find out when the release is in the states - i'll let you know unless you've already gotten your answer (in which case, let ME know hahhahaa!) great blog =)

Anonymous said...

heey,where bouts do you get them from! porn movies sex videos hd porno video