Friday, 6 February 2009

The Countdown Begins

Image from here
Without sounding like a 'typical Chinese girl' I LOVE HELLO KITTY! Waaayyy back last year Stephie gave me the head's up on the MAC x Hello Kitty collab, and now the wait is almost over with only 4 days until the MAC online launch and 6 days until it is in store. Well, in the USA anyway. As usual, we Brits, have to wait that much month in fact (early March *Grrr*). I will definitely be eyeing up prices and making a wish list from the online store in preparation, and I am particularly looking forward to the S&M style Hello Kitty plush (Ooo saucy) and some HK make up brushes...FUN!! And, maybe some of the more affordable Hello Kitty Colour Collection - ahem...the $11 nail varnish's, over the much pricier Hello Kitty Kouture (for the avid HK collector *one can dream*).

I seriously cannot miss this, especially as I totally missed the Fafi Girls x MAC launch last year (what a f-ing shame). I truly deeply love the Fafinettes, and LUCKILY whilst in NY last year whilst strolling around a MAC store I did find 2 of the 3 released Fafi character dolls! Here they are amongst SOME of the other toys I collect (and YES that is a Hello Kitty Castle still in its original packaging in the background!):

MAC x Fafi

Oh and look what some lucky bloggers got at the private bloggers HK x MAC event back in November:

Images from here

Envious? Me..?


Martha said...

I love HK almost as much as i love mac so i'll be getting as much as i can afford from this collection (sadly that'll only be one or maybe two item =[) YAY!

Tina said...

saw them in town today, the collection is so cute!

Iyah said...

The Kitty Koutoure wont come either until march :( I cannot wait for that coz i want some Dazzleglass! :D

She's Dressing Up said...

Im not a massive Hello Kitty fan, but this collection does sound extra cute!

lipstick cherry said...

i've even been having dreams about it LOL

Laroux said...

I'm all over Hello Kitty anything, I'm going to be all over these


The Clothes Horse said...

Ahh, I love the Fafi line--I totally missed it too though. :(

Cory K. said...

hello kitty is G (;
& great blog .

FashionSqueah! said...

Oh I am also a Hello Kitty fan, I hope I have some money left by the time it comes out! Char x

ps thanks for the tip on the H&M discount!

yiqin; said...

This collection haven't hit Singapore yet :( But I LOVE HELLO KITTY TOO! :D

Kay said...

We always have to wait longer for everything, and I swear we're the most impatient nation.
I completely missed Mac's collaboration with Alexander McQueen, THAT I got really excited about.

Thank you for the comment (: And yes you can afford stuff like that, you just need to be sneaky. I do get quite a bit of high street stuff, I just end up losing faith when it's all polyester and so expensive... I think I am maybe too obsessed with the whole overpriced polyester epidemic.
We should have a bargain off!!

Again sorry for the lonnng comment. Too used to writing essays arghhhh

Molly said...

hmm i dont know, im not all too keen on hello kitty, but im sure the makeup will be lovely :)


Ashton said...

I can not wait for this, I am so anxious for it already! I wante evrything. I want am going to Nordstroms that day to get some goodies :) Love the name of your blog btw.

Winnie said...

Oh gosh, I adore Hello Kitty and can't wait for this either.

Hannah is Narnia's Closet said...
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Hannah is Narnia's Closet said...

My hello kitty just came in the mail - i love it! I've blogged about it a fair share recently and can't wait to do an update with all my new products. I hope the wait isn't too long for you - you'll have your own HK soon! porn movies sex videos hd porno video