Sunday, 25 January 2009

Polka Dots and A Big Fat Plait

First Things, First: Have you guys seen Leona Lewis's new video 'I Will Be'? So...I love Chase Crawford (as cheesy-ly good-looking as he is), I love the song (as cheesy-ly lovey-dovey as it is) and I like Leona (as boring as people say she is..but I see her as extremely sweet)...You would think a combination of these things would make a good video...but no. I don't love the video, I don't even get it! What is the point of her getting arrested?...What is the point of giving Chase tonnes of monnies during the 'credit crunch/recession'?....Please watch and let me know....

What a blah day I and then my sisters "surprised me" at work to drag me shopping with them for mere hours at a 'never-have-I-seen-this-packed-before' shopping center. This is why I HATE SHOPPING ON THE WEEKENDS!!! I rarely get to do this due to work but the amount of people shopping and pushing and annoying me in a shopping center makes me not want to shop...YES I SAID IT - I actually didn't want to shop! I don't know if it is just me, but shopping and spending is scaring me because of all this moral panic that the media is creating in the British Press. Credit Crunch this, Recession that....ARRRGGggggg!!It is driving me nuts!!! Apparently the £1 is only worth like $1.35 now...what the hell!! I don't know what to believe; whether the press are hyping up the situation to scare people...or maybe just to make the people with a bit of money go out and buy more things because it is apparently cheaper at the moment...I just don't know! All I know it is making me a bit panicky and guilty for buying to much....! I just wore my polka dot skirt (which makes me look preggers) and a H&M tee with a sweet illustration printed on it! I wish I owned a dress as puffy and dynamic as the cartoon girl does (who, though you can't see, look like Angelina Jolie!!). Also the colour of the dots on my skirt matches the colours of my trainers...sad I know....

Hopefully all will be well after Chinese New Year on Monday!!...or as my friend has dubbed it "Oriental New Year" she is Vietnamese and most oriental people celebrate this new year no matter if they are Chinese or not. The Chinese New Year parade is next Sunday Y'all in China Town, London. Definitely check it out as it is so colourful and fun, and will put a you smile on your face! Feel bad today actually...a Londoner with a French Dude asked me if the celebrations are tomorrow and I said YES! But its next week...and I told them to get there early...THE SHAME! I feel sooo baddd...deep apologies if you are reading this blog (which is a 0.3333% chance). My mum has made the traditional Chinese New Year cake, 'Nian Gao', lots of them as usual, which never gets eaten! And my brothers 17th birthday happens to fall on the same day as New hopefully it will be an extra lucky and prosperous year for him ^_^.

SHEEZZ its 2am and I have work at 10.30am...and STILL need to wash my hair...!

If I don't post by Monday, Happy "Oriental" Chinese New Year..."Gong Hei Fat Choi"...and have a super duper one! I'll leave you with one of my mums lovely cakes and all I can hope for is that one day I will make one just as perfect when I am a mother....


Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

that skirt is so fab, i love the way you accessorized everything.

mberenis said...

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Pietro said...

Thank you :)
You have a good blog !

fashionknitsta said...

Chinese new year sounds fun, and i love your t-shirt! I had to work yesterday too and it was well busy. And I agree the Leona Lewis vid was a let down.

Joezehh said...

That skirt doesn't make you look pregnant at all!!!!!!!!
I love the t-shirt and jewellry, it really compliments each other.
I love your blog, it's great.
x x x

yiqin; said...

Ah yes chace is so damn hot in the vid! He is so pretty!

Anonymous said...

love the outfit!
you look awesome:)
chinese new yearrr!yay finally some more money and nice food!

Nicole Then said...

ya chase is wow....hahaha

Anonymous said...

yes it is about the good news and prosperity etc...

Joezehh said...

by the way,
i agree,
leona lewis' video.
whats going on there.

Isabel said...

I love your outfit! Its seriously epic. :)

LJ said...

happy new year! your outfit is very cute..and no you do not look preggers.

xx-LJ from SOS!

Yinka said...

Lol!! Chase is cute but allow gettin arested for him! vid was ok, nice to c her doin sumthin than just standin there?? a $1 WHAT! is there any point in me goin new york mow, what bargains can i hope 2 get wit dat rubbish xchange rate!

The Clothes Horse said...

Fun outfit, that skirt is great!

MJ. said...

Thanks!! I'm really loving ur city!
haha! Funny post and no, I don't like the video either...she's not that good, I think...
And u look great in that outfit!Stop thinking the opposite!


selinaoolala said...

omg totally joining you there- HATE shopping on weekends!! you can't even get sizes, what's the point!!

kandace said...

your outfit is really cute. i'm obsessed with polka dots too right now. but i really love how you wear sneakers all the time. i always wear heels or flats but you're really making me want to invest in cute tennis shoes. as for not wanting to shop. i wish i could stop shopping. i just went crazy on my credit card not a good idea. o being stylish a curse and a blessing lol.

chloe said...

I don't get her video...and personally I find her to be a bit of a drag. Chace too. He's decent looking, but not all that people make him to be.

Dooder City said...

You look amazing!

Anonymous said...

haha i went to china town last night and popped confetti every where

Susanna-Cole said...

The video is kind of lacking... but your outfit is fabulous! ;)

Thanks for your sweet comment! <3


Anonymous said...

i ahve tagged you guys in my latest post:)

zoë said...

i totally do not get that video either ..
chace is very hot though .

ahha .

Syana said...

oh it's the first time i see this vid of Leona Lewis. personally, i love her, she has the looks and such a unique voice. But yeah, what's up with the lame video?? i guess it's ok because there's chace *drool*

By the way, nice skirt ;) xxx porn movies sex videos hd porno video