Tuesday, 13 January 2009


I.Am.So.Scared....time is running out and I have to much crap to do! I am SCREWED! I will do a collage on the above outfit soon...as soon as I have time...TIMEEE! How I wish for for a stress free, easy breezy, time at university....but only 2 month to go before I finish!! I can do it, I hope. I will leave you with my favourite cartoon of all time, and one of the songs they sung, which is so fitting with my situation right about now:
Jem - Time is Running Out-


As promised, My clashing patterns/colours collage! Urm...get your Ray Ban's out because this is a sight for sore eyes!

I don't know why it uploaded so small...????

I've never been one to understand the context of simplicity. We just do not gel....

*Thanks for the wishing me luck comments y'all! xxx


Anonymous said...

hope everything works out!!

i love all the gold jewlery

Martha said...

I litterally just scanned through the pictures on your blog and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your style.
lol you have definately gained a new reader (y)
Love the cardi here =]

LANA said...

Love your outfit!

yiqin; said...

Mmhmm I love your title & header! Leopard print is hot..

LoveMore said...

WOW is ur cardi vintage?? amazing!!!! XXX LM

Rachie-Pie said...

No! Its H&M!

M said...

you're so good with mixing colors and prints! i envy uuuu!
like seriously, I could caress my bag forever lol

giggleness said...

aww hun i hope you get through it all.

La Mode is Rad! said...

I agree! Is so weird looking. :D

I L O V E the cardigan.

LoveMore said...

oh thanks doll! ill check it out, but you look fab in it! thanks for letting me know. hopei you had a great day! xxxx LM

Fennella said...

oh my gosh i love that polaroid picture of you shake it like a polaroid ..corny. but that outfit is cute. I have been wanting a shirt with wolveesss for awhile

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