Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Did You Just Salivate On My Shoes?

I AM FREEEEE...for a couple of weeks anyway, before I have to jump right back on to the train of success taking route A right towards attempting to graduate with decent grades. In other words -I handed in my last assignment piece for January deadline, but still have Feb, March & April till the ABSOLUTE, ABSOLUTE FREEDOM (bar work commitments ^_^).

ERGGGG a foolish girl decided to drop a fizzy drink in Tesco's today so it burst and sprayed many customers including ME and also her eye. It sprayed ALL OVER MY LEFT TRAINER! Me, being even more foolish, stood there dazed, hypnotised and in awe of the frizzy spray only after realising it was actually spraying on my foot. I was very angry and was going to make the girl apologized but thought, A. Why the hell was I in some nutty daze, and B. Poor girl got fizz sprayed in the eye. I paid for my peperoni and nasty sandwich and left.

Today, after uni, me and my friends went for a much needed stroll to the center of London, AKA Shopping!! After taking about ten years for us to leave our uni in the middle of a forest we finally got to west end....why did no one tell me they shut at 8 now!!??!! That is how long I have not been shopping (in central LND) for...god knows what goods I missed out on! We missed out a few shop :-( due to early closure and also my friend getting stuck in a dress in River Island...5 pairs of hands were on deck including that of a sales assistant..it was tooo funny hehe!! It was sort of my fault because I jammed the zip with a bit of the material....but it did provide for plenty of laughing joys...and what a pretty dress it was...sigh. We got quite an audience, all to afraid to come towards us for a closer look yet they snickered from afar, but it was OK, we all saw the funny side of it too! And looky what I bought....Now I understand why girls go crazy over shoes.....

I got me a pair of patent shoes and a hot cropped denim jacket! Yeee-Haaa! You can't really see the amazing-ness of the denim jacket but is so very cute....HOWEVER, it is a UK6, its not small for me, but I am not a size 6, more 8-10. But H&M didn't have a 8 and the 10 made me look like some 80s throwback kid gone wrong. So I just bought the 6 and do what I normally do...take advantage of the exchange policy. If I don't find an 8 anywhere I'll just keep the 6. Done Deal?

I love these shoes....these are not my first pairs of heels don't worry, but I've never understood the fascination with shoes until after today; after 20 years. I, as you may have noticed, am a total trainer kind of girl but when I saw these I was like..."Ooo interesting...lets try for fun." And then I realised "oh my, I'm salivating all over the shop floor", "wow my legs look good", "I look like I'm 6 ft 5 (...ok maybe 5ft 7...)" and "they are shiny with hints of hot pink." "I like shiny." "I like hints of pink." "I like the £25 price tag." Errrhhhmm beep-ching-that's £50 please (£50 because I got a size 4 and 5 as I wasn't 100% sure which fit better). And now they are mine! mwhahahah...can someone please take me some where so I can play with them!? Obviously I can't wear this on a day to day basis, as I get enough strange looks from what I normally wear, let alone with a pair of shiny platform peep toes on. The men here would see that and think I was some sort of street whore.

The only street whore I am is a high street whore, I just can't help wearing head-to-toe high street!! It is all within my tastes and price rage and as much as I like the look of many designer items, I would never be able to afford them. They are there to inspire me, as well as many others, as to what is going to be next seasons trends and I always love how it filters down to the high street showing how they; H&M, Topshop ect, interpret these trends. Then, finally, it filters down to me,and is up to me to add my personal sense of taste and style to mix it up to how I like it.



fashionknitsta said...

those shoes are cool, are they h&m as well?

Martha said...

I love your shoes i was thinking of buying that tunic from topshop but ya know how it is, lack of money and what not. I love your sjpes too =]

Wendy said...

I'm crazy about shoes. I don't even know why, but I just feel extremely happy buying them.

FashionSqueah! said...

Love the new shoes and they look great with your leggings! How annoying that the girl got juice all over your trainers, I'd have been so mad! You definatly know how to wear trainers, I only ever seem them paired with trackies bottoms in a chavvy kinda way, you're way is obvs better! Char x

Anonymous said...

love the outfit!
p.s.i am your first official blog follower!
and i was wondering if youd like to exchange links?

LANA said...

Like this post and really can relate with high street being within my taste!

And I love your outfit, those shoes <3!

Anonymous said...

wow youre a nicer girl then me, i wouldnt let that fly

TheMinx said...

I love both your pairs of shoes!! You have the cutest style, and I love the way you wrote about shopping. Great blog girlie :)

Yinka said...


Syana said...

oh i wanted to buy that aztec top aswell! you sure know how to combine it with you're other clothes, it looks great.

lol the video made me laugh, wish it could happen everyday!

just checked the rest of your blog and I love love your style so I'm gonna link you xxxx

Vintage Tea said...

love the heels! Really cute blog too btw

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