Saturday, 17 May 2008

Songs that Make My Big Head Bounce

The first one is by M.I.A. called 'Jimmy'. I realise I may be late seen as this song has been around since 2006/2007, but its a good song nonetheless. I first heard it at work and thought it was a funny song as my colleague is called 'Jimmy'. But one day, very bored standing around doing nothing, I listened to the song properly and loved it! I am not a huge fan of M.I.A music, although she is stunning and her style is the shiznette (She is also in the Marc by Marc Jacobs Ad campaigns). But I got her album and gave it a proper listen and her music is really good. You see, I have this thing of not listening to music properly. I don't really give it a chance. Which I promise I won't do ever again. Here's the video for 'Jimmy':

The next song is by 23 year old Futuristic Rock 'n' Roll and Soul artist, Janelle Monáe. Whilst browsing through the million and one blogs I normally read, I came across her on the Better Never Than Late blog. At first I thought who is this amazingly, super-cute, flawless 1950's actress (girl crush alert: in a strictly admiration of God's creations kind of way!) After further reading I discovered she was actually from our era and a singer. I headed straight to her Myspace page and heard her songs. I love them. Once again I am late in discovering 'new music' but I can guarantee someone out there is later than I am! Her music reminds me of Outkast's style, and she actually has a track with them. Listening to 'Violet Stars Happy Hunting' really makes me to want listen to Outkast's 2003 album Speaker boxx/The Love Below. Now where is that dusty CD?
Here's 'Violet Stars Happy Hunting' (Its not the actual video...its about the music baby!):

Finally, I want to spread the London Love for one of my top 3 bands (after Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Arctic Monkeys). For once, I feel like I am one of the earlier 'discoverers' of new music! The awesome foursome consists of two brothers and two school friends from Brixton, South London. Their music is Indie/Rock, which reminds me of the likes of the Arctic Monkeys, but they add their own unique touch to it. I highly recommend their EP and you can get it here for a barginlicious £4.99. You won't be disappointed! Whilst you are at it, join their fan page on Facebook.
Here's the video for my one of my favourite songs, 'My Everything':

That's the break down of what I like to listen to, music which makes my Big Head Bounce and my Muffin Top Wobble (seriously need to do something about that!) ENJOY (^_^)!


Anonymous said...

I love janelle monae!!! She released this on her Metropolis Suite I: the Chase independently! I am SOOO ready for a video! Any idea when???

Rachie-Pie said...

No idea, though the making of the video is on Youtube...i think you just have to keep your eyes on you tube! porn movies sex videos hd porno video