Stephie-Pie and I are both Journalism students and needed to find work experience for a part of our degree, Stephie has been searching since (I think) October, and I have been searching since February. Let me just say...STRESS. It is very hard and we both followed Disney Roller Girls intern advice (Good stuff) to a pinpoint. We done everything she suggested. No Luck. We were playing a game of snakes and ladders in the journalism work experience world. And we kept landing on the bloody (evil) snake. But then one day (after much stress) Stephie rolled the dice and it landed on the ladder. The ladder which led to a week at Women and Home magazine. She rolled AGAIN and she landed on another ladder...this time for Drapers magazine.
Now I was mad jealous! No fair! I did not want to stay around the horrid snakes; I wanted to climb the bloody ladder! I done everything I was supposed to do. At this point I was ready to email my module tutor and tell him I cannot find a placement so I need to change the module. Or apply for a placement at an institute which did not interest me like...FHM or NUTS (those men's magazines). I would have done any placement really.
Today, I rolled the dice and I got to climb the ladder....The ladder to work experience at Drapers magazine. It seems I rolled a lucky double because I get to spend my second week with my partner in fashion crime Stephie-Pie.
Wish Us Luck...We Start in Two Weeks S'Laters Party People xoxo
Yay, congratulations! Make sure you post your day-to-day goings-on here :)
Why thank you!hehe! I will try my best...although I will be working 14 days straight in a row as I have to work my weekend job as well..hopefully I will be A-OK!
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