Friday, 30 May 2008

Diary of an intern: Steph's last day at W&H. Gone but not forgotten. Or so I like to think...

Over! No more waking up at 6.30am (do you know what 6.30am looks like? quiet.)!! Well, until next week that is. On my last day I did the post, still my favourate job, and wrote two reviews and a blurb type thing about Rhys Ifans, amongst other admin type things. I also called up publishing houses and 'called in' books which were prizes for a reader. You know they don't have to pay for them? When I work at a magazine, I'm going to call in books. Just for me. Its gonna be so cool. Anyway, at lunch I met my friend who is working at Now magazine, although she isnt having as good a time as I did. She just has to upload stuff onto the server for the web editor to publish online. We went to the second from highest floor (10) where they have a roof garden! I can't believe I only discovered it today! You can see like the whole of london. As it was the place where the fashonistas of IPC media go to smoke I dont think they were interested. They were getting their fix. But I never get tired of looking at the london skyline. Its just so cool and pretty. I was going to take a picture, but then my phone died. Before I left, they asked me to stay for another 2 weeks, cause someone cancelled, but I have Drapers so I cant. If any of you want magazine exp. you should email them quickly! You get paid too! Only £10 a day, but still. If I'd stayed I would of got £140. Darn it. I also stuff!! Is there anything better then free stuff? I dont think so. It wasnt the Creme de la Mer, but its the thought that counts. I got a v. interesting book, some rimmel nail varnish and lipgloss (and you know I love make up), fake tan (are they trying to tell me something?) some Sally Hanson stuff, some chocolate and randomly, a cereal bar. Oh and a load of bath stuff. Free stuff is great. Rachel did that taggy thing already but I want to do it too. Cause I like forms and quizzes. I'm a freak.

5 things found in my bag:
1.Money. Mostly pennies.
4.Random recipts from oyster top ups.

5 things found in my purse:
I don't think this question applies to me as I have not yet replaced my purse, nor have I found it.

5 favourate things in my room:
1. My lamp (from the coolest home shop, pussy home boutique. Yes I know. Google it and see what you get...They also do clothes, jewelry and other stuff) which has half melted
2. My photoframes
3. My bed
4. My old old old falling apart chest of drawers/dressing table
5. My artfully painted walls (by moi)

5 things I've always wanted to do:
1. Be able to read minds (wouldnt you love that? That is my ideal superpower).
2. Skydive
3. Set up a teen magazine that isn't as superficial and 'lad' (urgh) oriantated as the ones in the UK.
4. Stop the scientologists.
5. Be featured in the contributers page in Glamour magazine.

5 things I am currently into:
1. Sleeping
2. Heroes!
3. Carrie's Vivenne Westwood dress (one day a designer will give me a dress too. Maybe).
4. Brown eyeshadow
5. Ribbons

5 impressions of the person who tagged us
1. She lives in NY
2. She has the kind of flat stomach I'd hoped skipping would give me before I 'forgot' about it.
3. She can wear shorts and boots.
4. She wore those AA lame leggings and it looked nice (a feat)
5. I like her main blog picture and her starry curtain.
This is a long post to rival Rachie. I shall leave you with this picture:

Look how cute. Carrie and Big. And a naked man minding his own business. How cool is her dress?? (This is not from the film btw, its a vogue photo shoot. Go find the other pics, they're so cool)



Cait said...

Hope you get to sleep in.

Very cool blog.


just stumbled onto your blog today...Cute name, I have a post that is so YOU!


donna AND navaz said...

Oh this is gripping! Tell us more of your interning adventures! By the way, it's good that you didn't gazump Drapers just because W&H asked you to stay on at the last minute. That's almost the worst thing you can do!

Gloria said...

wow, nice photo. the statue's a lot hotter in my opinion though...;) porn movies sex videos hd porno video