Sunday, 11 May 2008

Fight the Pain for Granny Chic

A few months back I spotted some patent boat shoes (without the thrills)/Granny shoes from Uni-Qlo but never got them as I was told they looked ugly...I personally found them quite fetchin'. I forgot about them, until a recent shopping trip to Oxford Street and saw them ON SALE! From £19.99 down to a barginlicious £6.99...not forgetting the 10% student discount (^_^)! Some how the sales assistant gave me more than 10% so I got them for about £5! Lovely Jubley! However, I had to get a UK 6 even though I am a size 5 AND even contemplated getting a 7, they were tiny...

The bad news is they HURT LIKE HELL! I was so upset! I wore them to work today and they pinch. Pinch baddd! But I love them. And I will Fight through the pain. They are just so cutesy and granny chic.

More from the sale laterr! xoxo

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