Wednesday, 14 May 2008

'Dress Code: Smart Casual'

This is the dress code for my work placement at Drapers.

I have a teeny-weeny dilemma. My brain does not recognise Smart Casual. My body does not do Smart Casual. My wardrobe has never seen Smart Casual. My style is most definitely not Smart Casual. In fact it is the opposite.
You are asking a chick who has a shoe rack of over 50 (...*cough* maybe 60) pairs of trainers to do Smart Casual. You are asking a chick who lives in long gold chains and big gold earrings to do Smart Casual. Am I as versatile as I think I am?

In my wardrobe I do have 4 potentially Smart Casual items. At the time, these were not bought for the intention of Smart Casual wear. These are: a high-waist pinstripe skirt, a waist coat, a long pinstripe shirt and also a leopard print sheer shirt (Of course darlin'!). I will have to 'mix n match' these items over the two week period.

Shirt: TK Maxx (£12.99), Skirt: H&M (£14.99)

I went past the offices and I saw women do Smart Causal very well. What does it even mean?! I refuse to buy a new two week wardrobe. I put my foot down. I am just going to blag my way through it. I will be extremely embarrassed when I step into the offices with my Primark flats (with gold links hehe!). And paranoid. And they might laugh at me. On the bright side, if that does happen, at least I will be remembered.

By the way: From Disney Roller Girl's intern advice it says we must stand out from other interns. Should I wear my gold chains and earrings? Should I add my trademark gold blin-a-ling? It will defiantly make people stare. And maybe, just maybe, I will be remembered: "Hey, do you guys remember that intern we had? You know that Chinese Chav Chick?"

(^_^)...I'm just kidding, I am no Chav.

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