Saturday, 31 May 2008

Diary of an Intern by Rachie: Day 3 & 4 - "I feel like a paper doll" / "Hole-puncher madness"

Swiping Joys - I like to look like I smeared Vaseline all over my face.

Today (Saturday) is the 6th day I have worked in a row, and there is going to be another 8 days before I get a well earned day of rest. You see, I have a retail job that provides me with a shopping allowance. Stephie was complaining about how tired she is from waking up at 6.30am for 4 days...well I have to work 14 days in a row! At first I felt fresh and was skipping along the pavement on my way to work, but now I am feeling the strain. I am so tired and practically dragging my legs to get to work.

I have finally got my Emap pass...and it says I am a freelancer! (Picture is above).I feel so professional now...kind of sad huh!? Swiping Joys. Not too happy about my photo though, it was taken in the afternoon and the office gets hot which results in me looking like I have smeared Vaseline all over my cheeks. Not to mention, in between my eyebrows.

On my 3rd and 4th day at Drapers I finished doing the Indicator for the week, so in total I wrote 4 panel's for that section - which accumulates to about 400 words. Yay, and this will be printed (hope hope). I am so excited! Even if this does not have my name splashed all over it, I will definitely treasure that issue with my life. I also did the "What to Visit..." section which was 117 words. Hopefully that will be published too, but I am not going to get my hopes up. I wrote about The Supreme's (60s girl group) exhibition at the V&A's which is running through the summer. I enjoyed writing that and although it is a mere amount of words, I still fell proud. We will just have to wait and see, I will keep you updated. To be honest with you guys, I did not expect to be writing so much, and I am so happy that I actually get to do it. I would have thought I would be the tea/coffee girl, the office runner, but luckily that is not what being a intern at Draper's entails. Phew.

Actually, I did do some filing. Which was painful and stressful. I had to go in the cupboard which has all the back issues of Draper's. My task: To log all the features that have been written in a database...from January 2007. Bear in mind this is a WEEKLY MAGAZINE. I did not mind doing this task, the problem was the door to the cupboard. Me and fellow friendly intern struggled for about 5 minutes trying to open this password-locked door. The password was no problem, but it would still not budge. We pulled as hard as we could, my hands were sore and red and it still did not budge. A nice man offered to help us. Only then did we realise we were supposed to push. After logging everything, my next task was to file all the magazines. They are relatively thin magazine but it was still a struggle to hole-punch them. I made a huge racket which was no fault of my own but the hole-punchers. And after making holes in all the magazines the hole-puncher decided to explode and send out little circular confetti-pieces everywhere.

Vest: Men's H&M (£3.99), Belt: Primark (£2.99), Skirt: Home made, Socks: Topshop (£2), Bag: Aldo (£6.99), Jaket: H&M (£29.99)

The outfit that made me feel like a paper doll. I felt feminine and oh-so-pretty. And I do adore that Primark belt, I wear it with everything I have. The Aldo bag is one of my latest purchases which I got in the sale shop, after seeing it on my friend. Yes. I copied her bag! I am a bit vary about how much work I will be able to write on Monday, as there will be 3 new interns starting-one of which is Stephie-totaling 5. The other 2 are supposed to be fashion interns so hopefully they will be doing different things from the rest of us. Wish me and Stephie luck! xoxo


AlicePleasance said...

You're a real busy&professional young woman now! I love that skirt...homemade? Wow, great job!

ray said...

your outfit is so gorgous. enjoying reading about your adventures! xx

bear said...

love the skirt, socks, bow tie combo!

Rollergirl said...

Loving reading this! Re the door, LOL, that is SO me! porn movies sex videos hd porno video